[seam-dev] Where is RuleBasedIdentity in Seam 2.1

Jervis Liu jliu at redhat.com
Tue Jun 17 04:15:44 EDT 2008


I am trying to upgrade drools-jbrms' dependency on Seam from version 2.0 
to 2.1 and have been having some fun with the new security features in 
Seam 2.1. The doc mentions that I need to use RuleBasedIdentity or 
extend this class if I want to use Drools based security checks, however 
this class(RuleBasedIdentity) seems have been removed from trunk. So 
what is the replacement for RuleBasedIdentity in Seam2.1? Any helps will 
be appreciated.

Another question is that I may want to avoid using rule-based checks, 
but using sth simple instead, e.g., the "simplified mode" as described 
by the doc. In this case I need to extend Identity and have a context 
somewhere to store my own customized permission objects, very similair 
to what RuleBasedIdentity does in 2.0. Below is a code snippet that 
works in Seam 2.0

//same user may have different roles for different packages
public class PackageBasedPermission {
	private String package;
	private String role;
	public String getPackage;() {
		return package;
	public String getRole;() {
		return role;

//Assert customized permission object into working memory
WorkingMemory wm = ((RuleBasedIdentity) 
wm.assertObject(new PackageBasedPermission("package1", "admin"));
wm.assertObject(new PackageBasedPermission("package2", "guest"));

So the question is if there is any context I can use in Seam to story my 
customized object similar to the RuleBasedIdentity.getSecurityContext()?

Jervis Liu

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