[seam-dev] Caching of Seam Remoting Interface Components
Christian Bauer
christian.bauer at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 14:59:12 EDT 2009
(I didn't get this e-mail, please reply to the list in future.)
>> Christian: In addition to support for "304 Not Modified", are you
>> planning to support http cache headers like either "Cache-Control"
>> or "Expires"? (that way, the browser doesn't even perform a server
>> roundtrip). And can I find a copy of your work so far in svn to
>> serve as a guide?
Conditional request handling without cache control is kind of useless,
so the answer to the first question is Yes.
I'll commit something next week, this is the finished conditional
request part:
package org.jboss.seam.web;
import org.jboss.seam.log.LogProvider;
import org.jboss.seam.log.Logging;
import org.jboss.seam.util.Resources;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
* Subclass this resource if you want to be able to send the right
response automatically to
* any conditional <tt>GET</tt> or <tt>HEAD</tt> request. The
typically usecase is as follows:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* public class MyResource extends ConditionalAbstractResource {
* public void getResource(final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response) {
* String resourceVersion = ... // Calculate current state as
* or
* byte[] resourceVersion = ... // Calculate current state as
* String resourcePath = ... // Get the relative (to servlet)
path of the requested resource
* if ( !sendConditional(request,
* response,
* createdEntityTag(resourceVersion,
getLastModifiedTimestamp(resourcePath) ) {
* // Send the regular resource representation with 200
OK etc.
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <p/>
* Note that the <tt>getLastModifiedTimestamp()</tt> method is only
supplied for convenience; it may not
* return what you expect as the "last modification timestamp" of the
given resource. In many cases you'd
* rather calculate that timestamp yourself.
* <p/>
public abstract class ConditionalAbstractResource extends
public static final String HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED = "Last-Modified";
public static final String HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = "If-Modified-
public static final String HEADER_ETAG = "ETag";
public static final String HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH = "If-None-Match";
private static final LogProvider log =
* Validates the request headers <tt>If-Modified-Since</tt> and
<tt>If-None-Match</tt> to determine
* if a <tt>304 NOT MODIFIED</tt> response can be send. If that is
the case, this method will automatically
* send the response and return <tt>true</tt>. If condition
validation fails, it will not change the
* response and return <tt>false</tt>.
* <p/>
* Note that both <tt>entityTag</tt> and <tt>lastModified</tt>
arguments can be <tt>null</tt>. The validation
* procedure and the outcome depends on what the client requested.
If the client requires that both entity tags and
* modification timestamps be validated, both arguments must be
supplied to the method and they must match, for
* a 304 response to be send.
* <p/>
* In addition to responding with <tt>304 NOT MODIFIED</tt> when
conditions match, this method will also, if
* arguments are not <tt>null</tt>, send the right entity tag and
last modification timestamps with the response,
* so that future requests from the client can be made conditional.
* <p/>
* @param request The usual HttpServletRequest for header
* @param response The usual HttpServletResponse for header
* @param entityTag An entity tag (weak or strong, in
doublequotes), typically produced by hashing the content
* of the resource representation. If
<tt>null</tt>, no entity tag will be send and if
* validation is requested by the client,
no match for a NOT MODIFIED response will be possible.
* @param lastModified The timestamp in number of milliseconds
since unix epoch when the resource was
* last modified. If <tt>null</tt>, no last
modification timestamp will be send and if
* validation is requested by the client,
no match for a NOT MODIFIED response will be possible.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if a <tt>304 NOT MODIFIED</tt> response
status has been set, <tt>false</tt> if requested
* conditions were invalid given the current state of the
* @throws IOException If setting the response status failed.
public boolean sendConditional(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
String entityTag, Long
lastModified) throws IOException
String noneMatchHeader = request.getHeader(HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH);
Long modifiedSinceHeader =
request.getDateHeader(HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE); // Careful, returns
-1 instead of null!
boolean noneMatchValid = false;
if (entityTag != null)
if (! (entityTag.startsWith("\"") || entityTag.startsWith("W/
\"")) && !entityTag.endsWith("\""))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity tag is not
properly formatted (or quoted): " + entityTag);
// Always send an entity tag with the response
response.setHeader(HEADER_ETAG, entityTag);
if (noneMatchHeader != null)
noneMatchValid =
isNoneMatchConditionValid(noneMatchHeader, entityTag);
boolean modifiedSinceValid = false;
if (lastModified != null)
// Always send the last modified timestamp with the response
response.setDateHeader(HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, lastModified);
if (modifiedSinceHeader != -1)
modifiedSinceValid =
isModifiedSinceConditionValid(modifiedSinceHeader, lastModified);
if (noneMatchHeader != null && modifiedSinceHeader != -1)
log.debug(HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH + " and " +
HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE + " must match");
// If both are received, we must not return 304 unless doing
so is consistent with both header fields in the request!
if (noneMatchValid && modifiedSinceValid)
log.debug(HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH + " and " +
HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE + " conditions match, sending 304");
return true;
log.debug(HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH + " and " +
HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE + " conditions do not match, not sending 304");
return false;
if (noneMatchHeader != null && noneMatchValid)
log.debug(HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH + " condition matches,
sending 304");
return true;
if (modifiedSinceHeader != -1 && modifiedSinceValid)
log.debug(HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE + " condition matches,
sending 304");
return true;
log.debug("None of the cache conditions match, not sending 304");
return false;
protected boolean isNoneMatchConditionValid(String
noneMatchHeader, String entityTag)
if (noneMatchHeader.trim().equals("*"))
log.debug("Found * conditional request, hence current entity
tag matches");
return true;
String[] entityTagsArray = noneMatchHeader.trim().split(",");
for (String requestTag : entityTagsArray)
if (requestTag.trim().equals(entityTag))
log.debug("Found matching entity tag in request");
return true;
log.debug("Resource has different entity tag than requested");
return false;
protected boolean isModifiedSinceConditionValid(Long
modifiedSinceHeader, Long lastModified)
if (lastModified <= modifiedSinceHeader)
log.debug("Resource has not been modified since requested
return true;
log.debug("Resource has been modified since requested
return false;
* Tries to get last modification timestamp of the resource by
* a <tt>URLConnection</tt> to the file in the filesystem or JAR.
* @param resourcePath The relative (to the servlet) resource path.
* @return Either the last modified filestamp or if an error
occurs, the JVM system startup timestamp.
protected Long getLastModifiedTimestamp(String resourcePath)
// Try to load it from filesystem or JAR through URLConnection
URL resourceURL = Resources.getResource(resourcePath,
if (resourceURL == null)
// Fall back to startup time of the JVM
return ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getStartTime();
URLConnection resourceConn = resourceURL.openConnection();
return resourceConn.getLastModified();
catch (Exception ex)
// Fall back to startup time of the JVM
return ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getStartTime();
* Generates a (globally) unique identifier of the current state
of the resource. The string will be
* hashed with MD5 and the hash result is then formatted before it
is returned. If <tt>null</tt>,
* a <tt>null</tt> will be returned.
* @param hashSource The string source for hashing or the already
hashed (strong or weak) entity tag.
* @param weak Set to <tt>true</tt> if you want a weak
entity tag.
* @return The hashed and formatted entity tag result.
protected String createEntityTag(String hashSource, boolean weak)
if (hashSource == null) return null;
return (weak ? "W/\"" : "\"") + hash(hashSource, "UTF-8",
"MD5") + "\"";
* Generates a (globally) unique identifier of the current state
of the resource. The bytes will be
* hashed with MD5 and the hash result is then formatted before it
is returned. If <tt>null</tt>,
* a <tt>null</tt> will be returned.
* @param hashSource The string source for hashing.
* @param weak Set to <tt>true</tt> if you want a weak
entity tag.
* @return The hashed and formatted entity tag result.
protected String createEntityTag(byte[] hashSource, boolean weak)
if (hashSource == null) return null;
return (weak ? "W/\"" : "\"") + hash(hashSource, "MD5") + "\"";
protected String hash(String text, String charset, String algorithm)
return hash(text.getBytes(charset), algorithm);
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
protected String hash(byte[] bytes, String algorithm)
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);
BigInteger number = new BigInteger(1, md.digest());
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("0");
return sb.toString();
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
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