[seam-dev] Re: Seam/RESTEasy integration

Jozef Hartinger jharting at redhat.com
Wed Mar 4 06:19:27 EST 2009

Christian Bauer wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Solomon Duskis <sduskis at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Are you actively working on that integration?
> The integration work resulted in a preview release last summer, then
> we waited for RE to stabilize and GA. I checked two weeks or so ago,
> and Jozef  had already upgraded the Seam integration code to compile
> and run against RE GA 1.0.
That's right. I am trying to keep RESTEasy version in sync. We currently 
have RESTEasy 1.0.1.GA in trunk
> There is a chapter in the Seam reference documentation that describes
> the integration and features:
> http://docs.jboss.com/seam/2.1.1.GA/reference/en-US/html/webservices.html#d0e21523
> The remaining issues range from trivial to major, however, there is
> not much critical functionality missing. Jozef, are you aware of
> anything that has not already been reported in JIRA?
Well, as far as I remember all the bugs I have seen in forums, etc. are 
in JIRA.
> We bundle these activities under the "WS" component in Seam JIRA:
> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBSEAM/component/12310823
>> version of RESTEasy.  Do you have some time to help out with that, and to
>> point me in the right direction for the current Seam/RESTEasy code?
> The code is in Seam trunk which is the 2.1.x release line. So now that
> RE GA is here we would certainly welcome any help on ironing out the
> remaining issues. Have a look at the reported stuff in JIRA and see if
> you like to pick something - even if it's assigned to me ;)
> I will go through the list again as well and see if there is anything
> missing and maybe set some priorities. Jozef, let us know what your
> status/plans are.
I am working on Seam+RESTEasy integration as a part of my university 
thesis. I am focusing more on new features rather than bug fixing as 
this is more interesting for university however I was fixing some bugs 
as well. The plan is to implement following things:
	* REST API for application framework - I am working on a component that 
exposes CRUD API to manipulate database entities (using Seam's home and 
query components)- I have some working prototypes already, working on 
details now.
	* Exception mapping in pages.xml
	* Facelets XHTML mapping
Furthermore, I am planning on creating a sample application 
demonstrating Seam+RESTEasy integration. It will be a simple todo app 
exposing REST API.

> For the future and more elaborate Seam/REST integration work: There
> are some great ideas floating around, mostly things people have been
> discussing directly or posting on some mailing list or another. My
> opinion has been so far that we get the basic stuff working in Seam
> 2.1.x and then wait for the Web Beans RI to stabilize and start with
> the more advanced REST stuff (like XHTML representation mapping with
> Facelets) in Seam 3.

Jozef Hartinger

Seam QA Engineer

Office phone: +420 532 294 130, ext 82-62 130
Mobile phone: +420 608 357 852
E-mail: jharting at redhat.com

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