[seam-dev] Re: Seam/RESTEasy integration

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Wed Mar 4 13:34:30 EST 2009

Dan Allen wrote:
> Thanks for the response Bill. Let's line that up with what we have today.
>     * Unique URIs to each "page"
> We are going to call these "pretty" or "friendly" URLs and it is slated 
> for JSF 2.1. We intentionally want to avoid the word REST here.

"pretty" or "friendly" is nice to have, but not necessary just as long 
as each "thing" has a unique, linkable, URI.

>     * don't overload the meaning of HTTP methods.  i.e. don't change
>     state of server with a GET
> JSF 2.0 will have bookmarkable URLs, which are used, for example, to 
> retrieve a record by ID. In JSF 2.1 we intend to add page actions, which 
> may change the state of the server with a GET, but those are 
> discretionary cases to adapt to an action-oriented world (sometimes, it 
> just has to be done).

Why can't POST be used?  Sys admins and caches don't understand an 
action-oriented world, but they do know the difference between GET and POST.

REST is about obeying the constraints of HTTP instead of tunneling a new 
protocol on top of it.  This allows you to leverage existing 
infrastructure and well-known tools.  RESTFul apps also like to take 
advantage of some of the more complex features of HTTP like caching and 

I don't know whether this fits into JSF or not as I don't know much 
about it.  To be honest, I'm not sure I want to know, but I'd be happy 
to help as I can.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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