[seam-dev] [weld-dev] GIT

Mark Struberg struberg at yahoo.de
Sat Nov 21 09:08:08 EST 2009

Hi folks!

We (the maven-scm team) is currently working hard to support git even better. There are a few changes waiting to be released soon which ensures this.
.) Releasing from master already works. I recently fixed a few branching issues so we now can release from any branch.
.) localCheckouts. maven-release-manager has been changed to optionally perform local cloning instead of going to the upstream repository and doing a complete clone over the network.
.) maven-scm-provider-jgit is an additional scm-provider which uses JGit, a pure Java implementation of GIT. I'm only waiting for Shawn to release his stuff to maven-central then I'll checkin the jgit provider to Apache SVN. Beside this it already works pretty well.
Hope that we get this done in the next few (3-5) weeks.


You should also look at Gerrit, Shawns code review system:

--- Pete Muir <pmuir at bleepbleep.org.uk> schrieb am Sa, 21.11.2009:

> Von: Pete Muir <pmuir at bleepbleep.org.uk>
> Betreff: [weld-dev] GIT
> An: "seam-dev at lists.jboss.org" <seam-dev at lists.jboss.org>, "weld-dev at lists.jboss.org" <weld-dev at lists.jboss.org>
> Datum: Samstag, 21. November 2009, 12:20
> A quick item we discussed at the f2f
> meeting was whether to switch to
> GIT for our SCM, rather than SVN.
> This would give us a IMO a system well suited to our
> distribued dev
> model, it would also make it much easier for others to
> sandbox PEs and
> then contribute them back to us.
> The proposal is to use Github to host.
> The team members at devoxx were in favour, but what do
> others think?
> Pete
> --
> Pete Muir
> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Pete
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