[seam-dev] Mercurial vs GIT
Pete Muir
pmuir at redhat.com
Tue Nov 24 09:33:37 EST 2009
I have seen a reasonable amount of GIT, and have liked what I saw, as have most of the other core team who have spoken up on this issue.
Sell us Mercurial :-)
On 24 Nov 2009, at 14:22, Francisco Jose Peredo wrote:
> An interesting comparision?:
> http://importantshock.wordpress.com/2008/08/07/git-vs-mercurial/
> Francisco Jose Peredo escribió:
>> I have not tried GIT, but from what I have read it is pretty
>> complicated to learn to use...
>> OTOH I have tried Mercurial, which is also distributed, and found it
>> confortable... apparently the
>> way it deals with its distribute nature is easier for subversion users
>> to understand...
>> AFAIK Netbeans source code is in Mercurial, also OpenJDK... So it
>> seems to work
>> well with large code bases... and there are plugins for Netbeans,
>> Eclipse and the Tortoise Hg
>> project is advanced and usable...
>> Google Code offers free Mercurial hosting...
>> Why not Mercurial?
>> Pete Muir escribió:
>>> A quick item we discussed at the f2f meeting was whether to switch to
>>> GIT for our SCM, rather than SVN.
>>> This would give us a IMO a system well suited to our distribued dev
>>> model, it would also make it much easier for others to sandbox PEs and
>>> then contribute them back to us.
>>> The proposal is to use Github to host.
>>> The team members at devoxx were in favour, but what do others think?
>>> Pete
>>> --
>>> Pete Muir
>>> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Pete
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