[seam-dev] Mercurial vs GIT

Stuart Douglas stuart at baileyroberts.com.au
Tue Nov 24 17:00:39 EST 2009

As I understand it GIT support on windows is not good, and also just having a quick google around it looks like the tooling support is not very mature either. Also the commands are different to subversions commands so there is quite a steep learning curve. 
I like bazaar, it uses the same commands as subversion, works on all platforms and has eclipse and windows support. It also has launchpad, which is the bzr equivalent of github. 

From: seam-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org [seam-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Francisco Jose Peredo [franciscoperedo at tabasco.gob.mx]
Sent: Wednesday, 25 November 2009 1:17 AM
To: seam-dev at lists.jboss.org
Cc: weld-dev at lists.jboss.org
Subject: Re: [seam-dev] Mercurial vs GIT

I have not tried GIT, but from what I have read it is pretty complicated
to learn to use...
OTOH I have tried Mercurial, which is also distributed, and found it
confortable... apparently the
way it deals with its distribute nature is easier for subversion users
to understand...
AFAIK Netbeans source code is in Mercurial, also OpenJDK... So it seems
to work
well with large code bases... and there are plugins for Netbeans,
Eclipse and the Tortoise Hg
project is advanced and usable...
Google Code offers free Mercurial hosting...
Why not Mercurial?

Pete Muir escribió:
> A quick item we discussed at the f2f meeting was whether to switch to
> GIT for our SCM, rather than SVN.
> This would give us a IMO a system well suited to our distribued dev
> model, it would also make it much easier for others to sandbox PEs and
> then contribute them back to us.
> The proposal is to use Github to host.
> The team members at devoxx were in favour, but what do others think?
> Pete
> --
> Pete Muir
> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Pete
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