[seam-dev] seamframework.org changes
Shane Bryzak
sbryzak at redhat.com
Fri Jul 30 12:29:55 EDT 2010
Yes, after I'm satisfied that I haven't broken sfwk.org :)
On 30/07/10 23:23, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
> Are you planning to add these features to in.relation.to as well?
> On 29 juil. 2010, at 23:25, Shane Bryzak wrote:
>> On 30/07/10 00:52, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
>>> Nice work, Shane!!!
>>> Great strategy for dealing with Spam. Does marking a comment as spam
>>> hide it until approved or nuked?
>> Marking it as spam just creates a report entry, it doesn't hide the
>> comment until an admin deals with the report. Otherwise this could
>> be open to abuse.
>>> PS - Do we have this up anywhere as a Seam 2 example? I have to
>>> imagine we do... but this is something people might actually be
>>> interested in / could even be spawned off as an opensource project
>>> of its own (hopefully getting some help to upgrade to Seam 3 and CDI)
>> Yes, both seamframework.org <http://seamframework.org> and
>> in.relation.to are based on the wiki example found in the Seam 2
>> examples directory. I don't know if I'd want to upgrade it to Seam
>> 3, I think the effort would be better spent on other things (unless a
>> community member volunteered, however in all the years of its
>> existence I don't think anyone has ever contributed anything to it).
>>> --Lincoln
>>> On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Shane Bryzak <sbryzak at redhat.com
>>> <mailto:sbryzak at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>> Oops, I also forgot to add that I changed the subject line for
>>> the forum
>>> mailing list to include the forum name also. So now, instead of the
>>> subject appearing like this:
>>> Re: [seam-forums] Some forum topic
>>> it will appear like this:
>>> Re: [seam-forums] [Seam Users] Some forum topic
>>> Hopefully no-one has any objections to this change - I figured
>>> it would
>>> be useful for people who might like more fine-grained control
>>> over their
>>> mail filters.
>>> On 29/07/10 21:52, Shane Bryzak wrote:
>>> > Hey guys,
>>> >
>>> > I've finished working on the enhancements to the wiki software
>>> so that
>>> > we can deal easier with spam. Here's a list of the changes
>>> that have
>>> > been made.
>>> >
>>> > 1) Added a 'Report as spam' button to the comments section of all
>>> > document pages - this includes all FAQ and knowledge base
>>> pages, however
>>> > not forum topics. I decided not to add it to the forums because
>>> > anything posted there goes to the mailing list (which has many
>>> eyes
>>> > watching it), so I thought it was unnecessary. Clicking this
>>> button
>>> > simply creates a record in the new database table called
>>> > WIKI_SPAM_REPORT, it does not affect the display of the
>>> comment at all.
>>> >
>>> > 2) Added a 'Spam reports' tab to the Admin screen. This
>>> displays a list
>>> > of all the comments that have been reported as spam, the user
>>> who made
>>> > the report and the user who posted the comment. From here,
>>> you can
>>> > either delete the comment, or mark it as not spam which will
>>> remove all
>>> > spam reports for that comment.
>>> >
>>> > 3) Added a 'Nuke' button to the user edit page. This button
>>> deletes the
>>> > user and all their comments, topics, etc - basically any
>>> content they
>>> > have posted to the site. This is a *proper* delete (the
>>> normal delete
>>> > just re-assigns ownership of all posts to the admin user) so
>>> use with
>>> > care! This action will also blacklist the user's e-mail
>>> address and IP
>>> > address. The IP address is recorded the first time the user
>>> registers.
>>> >
>>> > 4) Added a 'Blacklist' tab to the Admin screen. This lists
>>> all the
>>> > records in the blacklist table, and gives the option to remove
>>> > individual records. Users with an e-mail address or IP
>>> address that's
>>> > on the blacklist are not able to register new accounts,
>>> instead they are
>>> > presented with a 'you have been blacklisted' message.
>>> >
>>> > I'm pretty much ready to roll this out to production, however
>>> I would
>>> > ideally like if we could test the changes more thoroughly in
>>> some kind
>>> > of staging environment. The wiki software is quite complex
>>> and I cannot
>>> > be 100% certain that my changes haven't broken or in some way
>>> affected
>>> > some obscure feature that isn't readily detectable in basic
>>> testing. Do
>>> > we have an environment where we can set this up and test it
>>> for a few
>>> > days before deploying to production?
>>> >
>>> > Also it would be nice to give the upgrade a couple of test
>>> runs to make
>>> > sure all DDL scripts etc are without error.
>>> >
>>> > Shane
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>>> >
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>>> --
>>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>>> http://ocpsoft.com <http://ocpsoft.com/>
>>> http://scrumshark.com <http://scrumshark.com/>
>>> "Keep it Simple"
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