[seam-dev] Arquillian Testsuite structure for Modules

Shane Bryzak sbryzak at redhat.com
Sat Aug 20 18:21:05 EDT 2011

I'm currently looking into it.

On 21/08/11 08:04, Jason Porter wrote:
> Is it possible to add a source directory or test directory?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 20, 2011, at 15:36, Shane Bryzak <sbryzak at redhat.com 
> <mailto:sbryzak at redhat.com>> wrote:
>> Unfortunately that doesn't work - the issue occurs when the artifacts 
>> being unpacked are in the same reactor.  See 
>> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEP-98
>> On 21/08/11 01:11, Ken Finnigan wrote:
>>> If I'm not mistaken, that error is resolved by installing the artifacts.
>>> The problem is that it doesn't know how to unpack a directory, so 
>>> the jar with the test classes needs to be installed for it to work
>>> Ken
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 20, 2011, at 11:02, Shane Bryzak <sbryzak at redhat.com 
>>> <mailto:sbryzak at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>> I've made some progress in this area, so far I've created a few of 
>>>> the container boms in seam-parent and also started converting the 
>>>> Solder tests to use the new structure.
>>>> I have run into one issue though - when running the tests I'm 
>>>> encountering the error below.  The reason it hasn't manifested in 
>>>> the International module is because there was a version mismatch 
>>>> between some of the test suite artifacts, however if you 
>>>> synchronize them all you get the same error.
>>>> [INFO] Reactor Summary:
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> [INFO] Seam International Test Suite: Aggregator ......... SUCCESS 
>>>> [1.224s]
>>>> [INFO] Seam Container BOMs Aggregator .................... SUCCESS 
>>>> [0.025s]
>>>> [INFO] Weld EE Embedded 1.1 Container .................... SUCCESS 
>>>> [0.899s]
>>>> [INFO] JBoss AS7 Managed Container ....................... SUCCESS 
>>>> [2.722s]
>>>> [INFO] Seam International Test Suite Common .............. SUCCESS 
>>>> [0.376s]
>>>> [INFO] Seam International Test Suite: Internals Integration Tests  
>>>> SUCCESS [0.013s]
>>>> [INFO] Seam International Test Suite: Internals Integration Tests 
>>>> Base  SUCCESS [0.743s]
>>>> [INFO] Seam International Test Suite: Internals Integration Tests 
>>>> for JBoss AS  FAILURE [2.529s]
>>>> [INFO] Seam International Test Suite: Internals Integration Tests 
>>>> for Weld EE Embedded  SKIPPED
>>>> [INFO] 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] Total time: 9.393s
>>>> [INFO] Finished at: Sun Aug 21 00:55:38 EST 2011
>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 25M/348M
>>>> [INFO] 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
>>>> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:unpack 
>>>> (unpack-base-tests) on project 
>>>> seam-international-testsuite-integration-internals-jbossas: Error 
>>>> unpacking file: 
>>>> /home/shane/project/seam/international/testsuite/internals/base/target/classes 
>>>> to: 
>>>> /home/shane/project/seam/international/testsuite/internals/jbossas/target/test-classes
>>>> [ERROR] org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException: The source 
>>>> must not be a directory.
>>>> [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
>>>> I've spent a little time trying to find a workaround but it seems 
>>>> that this has been a known bug in Maven for at least 4 years.  If 
>>>> anyone wants to take a look at this and try to figure out a 
>>>> workaround in the meantime please be my guest.
>>>> Shane
>>>> On 30/07/11 12:16, Ken Finnigan wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> I've committed the work on the Arquillian testsuite infrastructure 
>>>>> on the i18n module which can be found here: 
>>>>> https://github.com/seam/international/tree/develop/testsuite
>>>>> Here are some notes on how it's structured and what needs to be done:
>>>>>   * API and Impl modules still retain unit tests that don't
>>>>>     require container testing
>>>>>   * testsuite/common includes Deployment and Library helpers and
>>>>>     anything that would be common to multiple types of testsuites,
>>>>>     such as internals, smoke, etc
>>>>>       o The helpers from this module could potentially be pulled
>>>>>         up into a common module for all, but that may introduce
>>>>>         complexity in trying to use it in each module so may be
>>>>>         best to leave it there for the moment and see how it goes
>>>>>   * testsuite/container-boms contains the container definition for
>>>>>     weld ee embedded and AS7.  Others can be found at
>>>>>     https://github.com/mojavelinux/arquillian-showcase/tree/master/container-boms
>>>>>       o One of the first things that needs to happen is these
>>>>>         container-boms need to be created in a seam parent module
>>>>>         of some kind such that each module can utilize them
>>>>>         without having to replicate the content directly
>>>>>   * testsuite/internals/base contains the test classes that used
>>>>>     to be within impl.  For i18n I was able to leave the entirety
>>>>>     of the test classes in the bases module and simply explode it
>>>>>     into the target/test-classes directory of the
>>>>>     testsuite/internals/${container} modules as part of the
>>>>>     integration-test phase.
>>>>>       o To make it easier to then explode the jar built from this
>>>>>         module into sub modules, the test classes and resources
>>>>>         actually need to be in src/main.  As we don't plan using
>>>>>         the jar built from this for anything other than testing
>>>>>         it's not an issue.
>>>>>   * container tests are only activated on the integration-test
>>>>>     phase and skipped on the basic test phase
>>>>>   * https://github.com/seam/international/blob/develop/testsuite/README.md
>>>>>     outlines all the proposed types of suites that testsuite can
>>>>>     contain.  I believe an initial first step should be to move
>>>>>     the existing container tests, or create some, for the
>>>>>     internals module.  Over time we can then look to flesh out the
>>>>>     testsuite with additional types such as smoke, cluster, api, etc
>>>>>   * One area that I haven't looked at yet is code coverage given
>>>>>     that the tests are further spread than previously.  I'm hoping
>>>>>     that it will be relatively easy to amalgamate all the coverage
>>>>>     data to produce a single report.
>>>>> Any questions about this please let me know.
>>>>> Ken
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