[seam-dev] Removing the combined jar

Shane Bryzak sbryzak at redhat.com
Fri Jun 10 06:06:08 EDT 2011

It does make sense, at least from the perspective you described.  I 
guess we have to take off our engineer-tinted glasses from time to time ;)

On 10/06/11 12:01, John D. Ament wrote:
> I do like the idea of profile based JARs, makes a lot of sense.  While 
> I get a lot of perspective on how splitting api and impl works well 
> for engineering, for business app developers (like me) complexity of a 
> project is defined by the number of JARs in the deployment.  If we 
> show too many files in there it makes the project look too complicated.
> Hope that makes sense.
> John
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 8:34 PM, George Gastaldi <gegastaldi at gmail.com 
> <mailto:gegastaldi at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I have to say that is such a pleasure to work with this team.
>     These ideas would certainly raise Seam to the top.
>     Em 09/06/2011, às 21:13, Shane Bryzak <sbryzak at redhat.com
>     <mailto:sbryzak at redhat.com>> escreveu:
>>     Sounds good to me, as also the combined jars for various other
>>     profiles.  Jason, care to add this to the agenda for next week's
>>     IRC meeting and we can flesh it out a little further?
>>     On 10/06/11 08:40, Dan Allen wrote:
>>>     I suggested this a while back as the "Seam for Web Profile".
>>>     seam-web-profile.jar
>>>     Calling it seam.jar is *way* too ambiguous and is going to do
>>>     nothing but lead to confusion. Let's give the stack a name (such
>>>     as "Seam for Web Profile") and qualify the jar.
>>>     So +1 to that revised idea :)
>>>     -Dan
>>>     On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 18:26, Shane Bryzak <sbryzak at redhat.com
>>>     <mailto:sbryzak at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>         That's a fair point, however to address this (and for
>>>         simplicity's sake) what if we were to provide a combined jar
>>>         that included most of the modules?  I would say that the
>>>         following list represents the "core" of Seam:
>>>         Solder
>>>         Catch
>>>         Config
>>>         International
>>>         JMS
>>>         Mail
>>>         Persistence
>>>         REST
>>>         Security
>>>         Servlet
>>>         Validation
>>>         We would simply call this combined jar seam.jar, and on top
>>>         of that, the developer would also add dependencies for
>>>         whatever view technology they're using (i.e. seam-faces,
>>>         errai or seam-wicket), and then the extra features if they
>>>         require them (Cron, JCR, Remoting, Reports, Social, etc). 
>>>         That should greatly reduce the number of jar files in a
>>>         deployment.
>>>         On 10/06/11 08:08, John D. Ament wrote:
>>>>         -1
>>>>         In my opinion the combined jar helps keep the number of JAR
>>>>         files down in deployments.
>>>>         On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:54 AM, Dan Allen
>>>>         <dan.j.allen at gmail.com <mailto:dan.j.allen at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>             +1
>>>>             -Dan
>>>>             On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 00:12, Jason Porter
>>>>             <lightguard.jp <http://lightguard.jp>@gmail.com
>>>>             <http://gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>                 +1
>>>>                 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 17:32, Shane Bryzak
>>>>                 <sbryzak at redhat.com <mailto:sbryzak at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>>                     We discussed this briefly on IRC, however I
>>>>                     thought we should discuss it
>>>>                     on seam-dev before we make any concrete
>>>>                     decision.  To summarise the plan:
>>>>                     1. Remove the combined jar file from each of
>>>>                     the modules
>>>>                     2. If the module has a single implementation,
>>>>                     rename it to whatever the
>>>>                     combined jar was called.
>>>>                         E.g. for Seam Catch, the impl module would
>>>>                     be called seam-catch.
>>>>                     3. If the module has multiple implementations,
>>>>                     then add a suffix to the
>>>>                     artifact name that reflects the individual
>>>>                     implementation.
>>>>                         E.g. Seam Reports has two implementations,
>>>>                     which would be called
>>>>                     seam-reports-jasper (for Jasper reports) and
>>>>                     seam-reports-pentaho (for
>>>>                     Pentaho).
>>>>                     4. Leave the API naming as it is, e.g.
>>>>                     seam-reports-api.
>>>>                     The idea is that by importing the simplified
>>>>                     module artifact name (i.e.
>>>>                     "seam-xxx") you would get the default
>>>>                     implementation, which in turn
>>>>                     depends on the API.  The advantage of this is
>>>>                     that we won't break
>>>>                     backwards compatibility - e.g. someone
>>>>                     currently declaring a dependency
>>>>                     on "seam-catch" in their pom file won't have
>>>>                     their app broken when we
>>>>                     rename the modules.  Also we remove the
>>>>                     complexity introduced by having
>>>>                     a combined jar in the first place.
>>>>                     If you can spot any issues with this, please
>>>>                     speak up now ;)
>>>>                     Shane
>>>>                     _______________________________________________
>>>>                     seam-dev mailing list
>>>>                     seam-dev at lists.jboss.org
>>>>                     <mailto:seam-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>>>                     https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/seam-dev
>>>>                 -- 
>>>>                 Jason Porter
>>>>                 http://lightguard-jp.blogspot.com
>>>>                 http://twitter.com/lightguardjp
>>>>                 Software Engineer
>>>>                 Open Source Advocate
>>>>                 Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java
>>>>                 Exception Handling
>>>>                 PGP key id: 926CCFF5
>>>>                 PGP key available at: keyserver.net
>>>>                 <http://keyserver.net>, pgp.mit.edu
>>>>                 <http://pgp.mit.edu>
>>>>                 _______________________________________________
>>>>                 seam-dev mailing list
>>>>                 seam-dev at lists.jboss.org
>>>>                 <mailto:seam-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>>>                 https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/seam-dev
>>>>             -- 
>>>>             Dan Allen
>>>>             Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam
>>>>             in Action
>>>>             Registered Linux User #231597
>>>>             http://www.google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen#about
>>>>             http://mojavelinux.com
>>>>             http://mojavelinux.com/seaminaction
>>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>>             seam-dev mailing list
>>>>             seam-dev at lists.jboss.org <mailto:seam-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>>>             https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/seam-dev
>>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>>         seam-dev mailing list
>>>>         seam-dev at lists.jboss.org  <mailto:seam-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>>>         https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/seam-dev
>>>     -- 
>>>     Dan Allen
>>>     Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
>>>     Registered Linux User #231597
>>>     http://www.google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen#about
>>>     http://mojavelinux.com
>>>     http://mojavelinux.com/seaminaction
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     seam-dev mailing list
>>     seam-dev at lists.jboss.org <mailto:seam-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>     https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/seam-dev
>     _______________________________________________
>     seam-dev mailing list
>     seam-dev at lists.jboss.org <mailto:seam-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>     https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/seam-dev

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