[seam-dev] @WebSafe annotation

Shane Bryzak sbryzak at redhat.com
Sun Jun 12 01:06:13 EDT 2011

Looks good, although I wouldn't hard code Whitelist.basic() as the 
default... instead I would make Whitelist.relaxed() the default, and 
then perhaps allow the developer to override it by specifying an enum 
value for the validation level allowed on the @WebSafe annotation.  E.g:

// Default would use Whitelist.relaxed()
private @WebSafe String content;

// This would use the basic whitelist
private @WebSafe(basic) String content;

// Basic whitelist plus images
private @WebSafe(basicWithImages) String content;

It would even be nice to somehow allow the developer to specify their 
own whitelist, if you can work out an elegant way to implement it.

On 12/06/11 12:46, George Gastaldi wrote:
> Hey Shane,
> I implemented the @WebSafe annotation you mentioned on Hibenate Validator.
> The pull request is https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-validator/pull/61
> Regards,
> George Gastaldi

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