[seam-dev] Seam 3.0.0.CR1 testing status

Ondřej Skutka oskutka at redhat.com
Fri Mar 4 09:06:17 EST 2011


Seam QE has finished testing Seam 3.0.0.CR1

What has been tested:

  * Unit tests for each module
     - Remoting
         no tests!
     - Rest
         tests disabled ("fixed" upstream)
         those that would be enabled doesn't work in jbossas-managed-6, but they work fine in current master
     - Security
         no test in impl! (some tests in external)
         one test disabled due to known issue SEAMSECURITY-33
     - Servlet
         test skipped!
         tests OK if I enable them in remote
     - Solder
         without -Djboss.i18n.generate-proxies=true we still get SOLDER-49
     - Wicket
       no tests!
   * Ensure that the tagged version of a module is the same as the bundled jar (diffJars)
   * Verify that all dependencies are bundled in the dist zip
   * Search for broken links
   * Functional tests for all examples in CR1 distribution
     - helloworld example - SEAMREMOTING-28
     - idmconsole - SEAMSECURITY-35 (just added this version to "affects version")
     - wicket-numberguess - cannot be deployed, there was a problem with slf4j
     - dependency when running in JBossAS, this is already fixed in upstream (Merge branch 'ftest' of https://github.com/jharting/seam-wicket into jharting-ftest )
     - validation-helloworld
	- SEAMVALIDATE-4 (pull request with the fix already sent)
     - seam-tasks - SEAMREST-34
     - validation - JBIDE-8499 (at first this was manned to be a feature request for JBTools), already fixed in upstream in Seam/Remoting module
   * JBossTools 3.2
     - Creating of a new project, enabling a CDI facet
     - Code completion in JSF files, beans.xml
     - Using tools for creating new Annotation Literal, Bean, Decorator, beans.xml, Interceptor, Interceptor Binding Annotation, Qualifier Annotation, Scope Annotation, Stereotype Annotation from validation I tested only one option: checking unsatisfiable dependencies
     - Imported all examples from Seam 3 CR1 release, built them and deployed into JBossAS from within Eclipse.
     All of these things seemed to work properly.
   * Documentation spot checking

Tests requiring a container have been tested against JBoss AS 6.0.0.Final server.
Seam-rest, validation-helloworld and seam-tasks have been also tested on GlassFish 3.1 Final

What has been found in the CR1?

2 critical issue
15 major issues
2 minor issues
1 trivial issue

Note that besides the CR1 issues [1] there are still lots of open Beta1 and Beta2 issues [2],[3] mostly also affecting CR1.


[1] Seam 3.0.0.CR1 issues https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=12314224
[1] Seam 3.0.0.Beta2 issues https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=12314176
[2] Seam 3.0.0.Beta1 issues https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=12314116

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