[seam-dev] Indentation rules

Ondřej Skutka oskutka at redhat.com
Tue Mar 15 10:49:16 EDT 2011

On Tue, 15 Mar 2011 14:27:04 +0100, Jason Porter <lightguard.jp at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1 & 2

And when have this changed and why? I haven't seen any rationale or even an announcement about the change. AFAIR it had always been 3.

And if it's a permanent change that developers agreed upon, why it's not commonly used / enforced in Seam modules?

> 2011/3/15 Ondřej Skutka <oskutka at redhat.com>:
>> Hi all!
>> I just wonder what is the most up-to-date rule for indentation for Seam project? Is it 4 spaces as suggested in [1] and [2] or 3 spaces as suggested in [3], [4] and by the prevalent practice?
>> Could we unify the documents and/or align sources accordingly?
>> Thanks, Ondra
>> [1] http://seamframework.org/Seam3/DevelopmentGuidelines
>> [2] https://github.com/seam/build/blob/master/formatting_differences.README
>> [3] http://docs.jboss.org/process-guide/en/html/coding.html
>> [4] http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/seam-dev/2010-July/002794.html IntelliJ formatting attachement
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