[seam-dev] Remaining issues for 3.0.0.Final

Shane Bryzak sbryzak at redhat.com
Sat Mar 26 22:03:51 EDT 2011

Thank you everyone for the huge effort over the last few days.  I'm 
pleased to say that we're down to just 1 issue remaining, and both Dan 
and I are now busy writing the last few chapters of documentation for 
the release.  If anyone isn't totally exhausted yet, you may wish to 
spend a little bit of time over the next 10 or so hours checking over 
your docs, otherwise go and drink some beer!  I'll be announcing the 
code freeze either late tonight (Aussie time) or tomorrow morning, after 
which I'll start releasing the modules to the staging repository.  After 
that, we'll give QE a couple more days to review the artifacts and 
staged distribution, then when they give us the all clear we'll push the 
modules out to the release repository.

I especially want to thank everyone for giving up their personal time 
(including their weekend, I know there's a few of you) to help eliminate 
our remaining issues in what I think is a record amount of time.  I 
don't think I've ever seen so many issues resolved in such a short time 
before. :)

Good job everyone.

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