[jbossseam-issues] Multiple Datasources with Seam-Generated POJO entities, creates all tables in both datasources

Ian Darwin ian at darwinsys.com
Thu Oct 11 18:54:59 EDT 2007

Answering one part of my own post:

> 1) The seam-gen created code doesn't use an explicit EntityManager, but 
> just an @Entity-annotated POJO for the model and two helper classes,
> ClassNameHome (extends EntityHome<ClassName>) and ClassNameList extends 
> EntityQuery, neither of which has an EntityManager field. Annotating the 
> various classes with the PersistenceContext does not help.

That was easy; just added these 3 lines:
     @In EntityManager bugEntityManager;

     public EntityManager getEntityManager() { return bugEntityManager; }
to the seam-generated Home AND Query classes.

> Secondly, perhaps as a result, all the entities get created in both 
> databases.
> Third, how can we make sure that import.sql is only applied against
> one of the datasources?

Items 2 and 3 remain show-stoppers!

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