[jbossseam-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (JBSEAM-2501) Action not being called on backing bean in default scope.

Pete Muir (JIRA) jira-events at lists.jboss.org
Tue Mar 11 17:41:00 EDT 2008

    [ http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-2501?page=comments#action_12402271 ] 
Pete Muir commented on JBSEAM-2501:

Start a topic on the forum. Clearly explain your use case and problem. Show your changes to the booking example in diff format. Don't threaten and don't exaggerate.

Then someone might help you.

> Action not being called on backing bean in default scope.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: JBSEAM-2501
>                 URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-2501
>             Project: JBoss Seam
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Core
>    Affects Versions: 2.0.1.CR1, 2.0.0.GA
>         Environment: Java 1.5.0_10, JBoss 4.2.2.GA, Windows XP, Seam 2.0.1.CR1
>            Reporter: Mark Richter
>         Attachments: booking.zip
> When you create a Stateful EJB in default conversation scope the action on a html commandButton is not always being called.  Also if you change it to a seam button the action is called however the forms fields are not being set.  This is best demonstrated with an example.  I will attach a modified booking example.  Simply replace the attached files with those in the seam booking example in 2.0.1.CR1 or 2.0.0.GA release.
> When you run the example, login (demo/demo) and click the find hotels button.  Now click the "Html - More results" commandButton.  All results are cleared because its defined action "hotelSearch.nextPage" is never called.  Put the bean in session scope and it works fine.  Also repeat this but this time click the "Seam - More Results" button.  When you click this button the action is called correctly however the setters (i.e. setPageNo, setSearchString etc..) are not called.  Apart from the inconsistency I would expect that in both cases the setters are called and then the action to be called.

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