[seam-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Issue Comment Edited: (SEAMREPORTS-13) Create a seam forge plugin for Seam Reports

George Gastaldi (JIRA) jira-events at lists.jboss.org
Wed May 25 12:11:00 EDT 2011

    [ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SEAMREPORTS-13?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=12604367#comment-12604367 ] 

George Gastaldi edited comment on SEAMREPORTS-13 at 5/25/11 12:09 PM:

Code sample for creating a Seam Forge plugin

1. new-project --named plugin-example --topLevelPackage com.plugin.example
2. setup plugins 
3. plugins new-plugin --named Runner --defaultCommand
4. forge source-plugin /path/to/plugin/project
5. runner --value hey
"Executed default command with value: hey"


   ____                          _____                    
  / ___|  ___  __ _ _ __ ___    |  ___|__  _ __ __ _  ___ 
  \___ \ / _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \   | |_ / _ \| '__/ _` |/ _ \  \\
   ___) |  __/ (_| | | | | | |  |  _| (_) | | | (_| |  __/  //
  |____/ \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|  |_|  \___/|_|  \__, |\___| 

[no project] Desktop $
[no project] Desktop $ new-project --named plugin-example --topLevelPackage com.plugin.example
 ? Use [/Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example] as project directory? [Y/n] 
Wrote /Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example/src/main/resources/META-INF/forge.xml
***SUCCESS*** Created project [plugin-example] in new working directory [/Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example]
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ setup plugins 
 ? The [forge.api] facet depends on the following missing facet(s): [CDIFacet]. Install as well? [Y/n] 
Wrote /Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example/src/main/resources/META-INF/beans.xml
***SUCCESS*** Installed [forge.spec.cdi] successfully.
***SUCCESS*** Installed [forge.api] successfully.
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ plugins new-plugin --named Runner --defaultCommand 
 ? In which package you'd like to create [Runner], or enter for default: [com.plugin.example] 
Wrote /Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example/src/main/java/com/plugin/example/Runner.java
Picked up type <JavaResource>: com.plugin.example.Runner
[plugin-example] Runner.java $ 
[plugin-example] Runner.java $ 
[plugin-example] Runner.java $ ls -la

package com.plugin.example;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.Plugin;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.Alias;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.ShellPrompt;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.PipeOut;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.Option;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.DefaultCommand;

public @Alias("runner") class Runner implements org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.Plugin {
  @Inject private ShellPrompt prompt;
  @DefaultCommand public void run(  PipeOut out,  @Option(name="value") final String arg){
    System.out.println("Executed default command with value: " + arg);

[plugin-example] Runner.java $ 
[plugin-example] Runner.java $ cd ../../../../../../../
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ forge source-plugin .
***INFO*** Invoking build with underlying build system.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building plugin-example 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2.606s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue May 03 13:52:54 EDT 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 36M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
***SUCCESS*** Build successful.
***INFO*** Installing plugin artifact.
Wrote /Users/lbaxter/.forge/plugins/com.plugin.example$plugin-example$1$1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
***SUCCESS*** Installed from [plugin-example] successfully.
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ runner --value hey
Executed default command with value: hey
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 

Oops!... I just wrote a Forge plugin.

      was (Author: gastaldi):
1. new-project --named plugin-example --topLevelPackage com.plugin.example
2. setup plugins 
3. plugins new-plugin --named Runner --defaultCommand
4. forge source-plugin /path/to/plugin/project
5. runner --value hey
"Executed default command with value: hey"


   ____                          _____                    
  / ___|  ___  __ _ _ __ ___    |  ___|__  _ __ __ _  ___ 
  \___ \ / _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \   | |_ / _ \| '__/ _` |/ _ \  \\
   ___) |  __/ (_| | | | | | |  |  _| (_) | | | (_| |  __/  //
  |____/ \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|  |_|  \___/|_|  \__, |\___| 

[no project] Desktop $
[no project] Desktop $ new-project --named plugin-example --topLevelPackage com.plugin.example
 ? Use [/Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example] as project directory? [Y/n] 
Wrote /Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example/src/main/resources/META-INF/forge.xml
***SUCCESS*** Created project [plugin-example] in new working directory [/Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example]
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ setup plugins 
 ? The [forge.api] facet depends on the following missing facet(s): [CDIFacet]. Install as well? [Y/n] 
Wrote /Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example/src/main/resources/META-INF/beans.xml
***SUCCESS*** Installed [forge.spec.cdi] successfully.
***SUCCESS*** Installed [forge.api] successfully.
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ plugins new-plugin --named Runner --defaultCommand 
 ? In which package you'd like to create [Runner], or enter for default: [com.plugin.example] 
Wrote /Users/lbaxter/Desktop/plugin-example/src/main/java/com/plugin/example/Runner.java
Picked up type <JavaResource>: com.plugin.example.Runner
[plugin-example] Runner.java $ 
[plugin-example] Runner.java $ 
[plugin-example] Runner.java $ ls -la

package com.plugin.example;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.Plugin;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.Alias;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.ShellPrompt;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.PipeOut;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.Option;
import org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.DefaultCommand;

public @Alias("runner") class Runner implements org.jboss.forge.shell.plugins.Plugin {
  @Inject private ShellPrompt prompt;
  @DefaultCommand public void run(  PipeOut out,  @Option(name="value") final String arg){
    System.out.println("Executed default command with value: " + arg);

[plugin-example] Runner.java $ 
[plugin-example] Runner.java $ cd ../../../../../../../
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ forge source-plugin .
***INFO*** Invoking build with underlying build system.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building plugin-example 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2.606s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue May 03 13:52:54 EDT 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 36M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
***SUCCESS*** Build successful.
***INFO*** Installing plugin artifact.
Wrote /Users/lbaxter/.forge/plugins/com.plugin.example$plugin-example$1$1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
***SUCCESS*** Installed from [plugin-example] successfully.
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ runner --value hey
Executed default command with value: hey
[plugin-example] plugin-example $ 

Oops!... I just wrote a Forge plugin.
> Create a seam forge plugin for  Seam Reports
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SEAMREPORTS-13
>                 URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SEAMREPORTS-13
>             Project: Seam Reports
>          Issue Type: Feature Request
>            Reporter: George Gastaldi
> It would be nice to have a Seam Forge plugin. 
> Forge developers could type then: "reports setup --provider PENTAHO" for example, to use the Seam Reports Pentaho module impl, for example.
> Info on how to create a plugin: http://docs.jboss.org/forge/1.0.0.Alpha3/reference/en-US/html_single/#forge.plugin.dev 

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