[security-dev] IDM: REST API

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Mon Dec 10 14:18:41 EST 2012

On 12/10/2012 1:47 PM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
> On 12/10/2012 06:37 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>> * Granting specific access to somebody so they can act on behalf of you
>> seems like a pretty compelling cross-cutting use case that should be
>> supported in the model.
> That is something that is coming up for AS7 as well we are close to the
> point where we need to define which users can act on the behalf of other
> users.

(I said this before).  In my prototype, i have something like a role 
mapping, but it is a list of roles a user is allowed to ask another user 
to grant for them.  This is the change in the meta model I'd need for 
this type of data, otherwise, i'm just hacking the identity model.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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