[security-dev] IDM Use Case : Registering OAuth2 Applications

Shane Bryzak sbryzak at redhat.com
Wed Nov 14 16:29:20 EST 2012

Is Application in this instance synonymous with the Application that 
we've been discussing the last couple of days?  Or does it have a 
different meaning?

On 11/15/2012 06:56 AM, Anil Saldhana wrote:
> Shane/Pedro,
>     what do you think about this issue?  There is no real user involved.
> It is the registration of an OAuth2 mobile/desktop
> application at the provider.
> Regards,
> Anil
> On 11/08/2012 08:41 AM, Anil Saldhana wrote:
>> This use case is primarily for OAuth2 style interactions.  There is a
>> need to register a OAuth2 application at the OAuth2 provider (such as
>> Facebook, Twitter etc).
>> The registration of the application is very similar to a User.
>> https://github.com/picketlink/picketlink/blob/master/oauth/src/main/java/org/picketlink/oauth/registration/RegistrationEndpoint.java
>> The method register()  has me using IDM User API to register a Client
>> Application with clientname and using attributes for redirect_url and
>> description and stuff.
>> How do we modify the IDM API for Application registration?
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