[security-dev] IDM Realms and Applications - The Nitty Gritty

Anil Saldhana Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com
Thu Nov 15 17:31:36 EST 2012

PL OAuth implementation at https://github.com/picketlink/picketlink
uses IDM. I am waiting for IDM API to stabilize. You may want to take
a look at the test cases I have for oauth.

On 11/15/2012 04:25 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
> FYI, I'm ready to implement OAuth2 and custom REST protocols on top of
> this IDM whenever something usable is ready.  Both the REST interface
> for the IDM, the AS7 integration at the protocol level, and the JAX-RS
> client integration.
> On 11/15/2012 4:42 PM, Anil Saldhana wrote:
>> Good feedback, Bill.
>> We are currently writing test cases. We definitely need to wire up
>> your use case in a test. That way, we can fine tune the model.
>> On 11/15/2012 02:25 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> I don't think your design incorporates the idea of a distributed
>>> application:  a set of services and websites that makes up one
>>> application.  In other words the fun SOA buzzword.
>>> In my mind, you have a bunch of distributed services.  Each service may
>>> or may not have its own roles and role mappings.  A user is allowed to
>>> execute on a set of services and those services may call other services.
>>> For example: a user may interact solely with Website A, but Website A
>>> may need to interact with other services.
>>> So, the actors would be Realm, Applications, Services, Users.
>>> On 11/13/2012 7:26 PM, Shane Bryzak wrote:
>>>> I'd like to go through the proposed design for Realms and Applications
>>>> in detail, as this is quite an important feature to get right and we all
>>>> need to be on the same page with this before we proceed.
>>>> To start with the basics, let's look at the relationship between Realms
>>>> and Applications:
>>>> Realms and Applications
>>>> Each realm is a totally segregated "island" of identity state, with no
>>>> crossover of state between the realms.  Applications, Users, Groups and
>>>> Roles only exist within the scope of their containing realm.  Realms are
>>>> top level constructs, and due to reasons of complexity and practicality
>>>> we don't support a Realm "hierarchy"; i.e. there are no Realms within
>>>> Realms.
>>>> Let's take a look next at how Users and Groups fit into this:
>>>> Users and Groups
>>>> All User and Group objects are first class citizens within a Realm. If
>>>> we think of this in terms of the corporate model, a company may be
>>>> represented by a single Realm, with its employees as Users.  Each
>>>> department and sub-division could be represented as a Group, with Users
>>>> (employees) belonging to one or more of these Groups.  There is also a
>>>> hierarchy for Groups, which allows greater flexibility in defining the
>>>> company structure.  Let's take a closer look at how this structure is
>>>> defined:
>>>> User and Group Memberships
>>>> Each User can be a member of zero or more Groups, while each Group may
>>>> be a subgroup of one parent Group.
>>>> Let's take a look at Roles next.  While both Users and Groups sit at the
>>>> top level of the Realm, Roles are all application specific:
>>>> Roles
>>>> Each Application may define zero or more Roles, each of which may be
>>>> used within the scope of the Application's authorization rules to
>>>> determine the appropriate privilege levels for Users.  Roles may be
>>>> granted to either a User or a Group, as illustrated by the following
>>>> diagram:
>>>> User and Group Roles
>>>> Each role may be granted as an Application Role (i.e. a Role membership
>>>> that has no Group component) or as a "standard" Role (which does have a
>>>> Group component).  An Application Role is used to grant broad
>>>> application privileges to a select User or Group, for example you might
>>>> wish to grant an Application-specific "admin" role to all members of the
>>>> "/employees/itdepartment/managers" Group.  A standard role is used when
>>>> you wish to grant a Group-specific privilege to either an individual
>>>> User or a Group of Users, for example granting a User the Role
>>>> "TechSupport" for the Group "/department/cardiology/doctors".
>>>> So in summary, PicketLink will support:
>>>> 1) Realms, which represent top level boundaries of segregated identity
>>>> state, and are arranged in a flat (rather than hierarchical) structure.
>>>> 2) Applications, which essentially represent a group of services and
>>>> resources.
>>>> 3) Roles, which are specific to an Application and are defined for the
>>>> purpose of controlling access to the services and resources provided by
>>>> the Application.
>>>> 4) Users, a top level construct within a Realm that represents an entity
>>>> that may access the services and resources provided by one or more
>>>> Applications.
>>>> 5) Groups, another type of top level construct within a Realm, arranged
>>>> within a hierarchical structure and that may be used to define broader
>>>> associations of Users and sub-Groups for the purpose of assigning
>>>> coarse-grained privileges to an Application's services and resources.
>>>> Impact on Identity Management API
>>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>>> One of the most important factors in implementing support for Realms and
>>>> Applications is the impact on the IDM API.  As a primary goal for
>>>> PicketLink is to provide a simplified API for developers, this support
>>>> must be provided in a manner that doesn't pollute the API with
>>>> unnecessary complexity.  To that end, let's start by looking at the
>>>> simplest use case, in which a developer embeds PicketLink into their own
>>>> application.
>>>> Default Realm and Application
>>>> --------------------------------------
>>>> To allow for a developer to use PicketLink in the simplest way possible,
>>>> I propose that we introduce the concept of a "default" Realm and
>>>> "default" Application.  By doing this, we can allow the developer to
>>>> simply use the basic PicketLink API without having to be aware of these
>>>> more advanced features.  For example, let's pretend that the developer
>>>> wants to create a new User:
>>>> User user = new SimpleUser("jsmith");
>>>> If we were forcing the developer to deal with Realms and Applications,
>>>> they would then have to write something like this to create the new User:
>>>> identityManager
>>>>         .forRealm("default")
>>>>         .createUser(user);
>>>> However by assuming that an unspecified Realm is the "default" realm,
>>>> the code looks like this:
>>>> identityManager
>>>>         .createUser(user);
>>>> If the default Realm doesn't exist at the time, it will be created
>>>> automatically (the same goes for the default Application).
>>>> Likewise, when creating a new Role:
>>>> Role role = new SimpleRole("admin");
>>>> The developer would have to write the following code if we didn't
>>>> support a default application:
>>>> identityManager
>>>>         .forApplication("default")
>>>>         .createRole(role);
>>>> If we do support a default though, the code looks like this:
>>>> identityManager
>>>>         .createRole(role);
>>>> As a side note, the above examples are slightly contrived because the
>>>> forRealm() and forApplication() methods wouldn't accept a String (rather
>>>> they'd expect either a Realm or Application object) - this leads us into
>>>> our next point.
>>>> Realm and Application Management
>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>> To properly support Realms and Applications we will require a number of
>>>> management methods, similar to what we have for Users, Groups and
>>>> Roles.  I propose the addition of the following methods to IdentityManager:
>>>> void createRealm(Realm realm);
>>>> Realm getRealm(String realm);
>>>> void removeRealm(Realm realm);
>>>> Collection<Realm> getRealms();
>>>> void createApplication(Application application);
>>>> Application getApplication(Realm realm, String application);
>>>> void removeApplication(Application application);
>>>> Collection<Application> getApplications(Realm realm);
>>>> This obviously requires the addition of two new classes to the model API
>>>> also, Realm and Application:
>>>> public class Realm {
>>>>         private String name;
>>>>         public Realm(String name) {
>>>>             this.name = name;
>>>>         };
>>>>         public String getName() {
>>>>             return name;
>>>>         }
>>>> }
>>>> public class Application {
>>>>         private Realm realm;
>>>>         private String name;
>>>>         public Application(Realm realm, String name) {
>>>>             this.realm = realm;
>>>>             this.name = name;
>>>>         }
>>>>         public Realm getRealm() {
>>>>             return realm;
>>>>         }
>>>>         public String getName() {
>>>>             return name;
>>>>         }
>>>> }
>>>> Usage
>>>> --------
>>>> One other thing I'd like to discuss is usage scenarios, specifically in
>>>> Java EE6 applications.  I'd like to propose that we provide a producer
>>>> method that supports the following form of injection for the
>>>> IdentityManager:
>>>> First of all, injecting an IdentityManager that uses the default Realm
>>>> and default Application (the most common use case for embedded PicketLink):
>>>> @Inject IdentityManager identityManager;
>>>> Secondly, injecting an IdentityManager for a specific Realm:
>>>> @Inject @ForRealm("public") IdentityManager identityManager;
>>>> Lastly, injecting an IdentityManager for a specific Application:
>>>> @Inject @ForRealm("public") @ForApplication("forums") IdentityManager
>>>> identityManager;
>>>> It would also be nice if we could provide support for "configure once",
>>>> where the developer can configure a specific Realm and Application and
>>>> any injected IdentityManager would default to using them.  There's
>>>> probably a few different ways to achieve this, so if anyone has a
>>>> preference please let me know.
>>>> Summary
>>>> ------------
>>>> This pretty much describes the entire proposal for Realms and
>>>> Applications.  I'd like all stakeholders to please carefully review the
>>>> design, in particular the 5 summary points that describe the
>>>> restrictions of this model.  If we all agree on this, then we should be
>>>> able to release a stable version of the API very shortly.  Some further
>>>> work may be required the bring the configuration and some IdentityStore
>>>> implementation details inline with the new design, but that won't affect
>>>> the API.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Shane

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