[security-dev] Picketbox performance improvements

Anil Saldhana Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com
Thu Sep 5 11:03:32 EDT 2013

Hi Stuart,
   Stefan and I started discussing the module organization for PicketBox 
few days back. I think it is time for a separate email thread on that, 
in this list. I think we are going to try to stick to "one jar per JBoss 
module" mantra in WF8.


On 09/05/2013 09:35 AM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
> I thought of that, however the default security context classes are not available from the maven module that houses the factory. Given that they all just get assembled into 1 jar anyway I wonder if they should just be merged into a single module?
> Stuart
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Stefan Guilhen" <sguilhen at redhat.com>
>> To: "Stuart Douglas" <sdouglas at redhat.com>
>> Cc: "Anil Saldhana" <Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com>, security-dev at lists.jboss.org, "Andrig Miller" <anmiller at redhat.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, 5 September, 2013 3:47:27 PM
>> Subject: Re: [security-dev] Picketbox performance improvements
>> Hi Stuart,
>> I've applied your changes and they will be available once we upgrade
>> PicketBox, which should happen soon. I do believe that this heavy usage
>> of reflection is overkill since most of the time the default
>> SecurityContext implementation is used. I've never heard of a case where
>> this implemenation has been changed. So I'm wondering if we couldn't
>> just make sure that whenever the default context is being used we
>> instantiate it by calling new JBossSecurityContext(securityDomain) and
>> use the reflection stuff only if the caller really supplies a different
>> implementation class.
>> Stefan
>> On 09/05/2013 06:41 AM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
>>> Oops, just realised I missed that the same thing was happening with the
>>> SecurityContextUtil class.
>>> With this patch, and my recently merged SecurityContextAssociationValve
>>> patch, I have seen a >20% increase in performance of an empty web
>>> application (28k req/sec vs 23k req/sec).
>>> Stuart
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Anil Saldhana" <Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com>
>>>> To: "Stuart Douglas" <sdouglas at redhat.com>
>>>> Cc: security-dev at lists.jboss.org, "Andrig Miller" <anmiller at redhat.com>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 4 September, 2013 3:47:47 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [security-dev] Picketbox performance improvements
>>>> Hi Stuart,
>>>>      it will be a couple of days to upgrade. There are other fixes going
>>>> into the upgrade.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Anil
>>>> On 09/04/2013 04:31 AM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have been benchmarking Wildfly upstream, and with the exception of the
>>>>> Weld listener (that I am about to try and fix), I am seeing the creation
>>>>> of the security context as by far the most expensive part of the web
>>>>> request chain.
>>>>> Firstly a bit about the tests, basically it is possible to run Undertow
>>>>> in
>>>>> pipelining mode, where if you send it pipelined HTTP requests it will
>>>>> buffer the responses and batch them. This is not super useful in
>>>>> practice,
>>>>> but what it does allow me to do is basically take most of the IO
>>>>> component
>>>>> out of a web request, and just look at which bits of the web request
>>>>> chain
>>>>> are consuming the most CPU.
>>>>> The issues I am seeing are:
>>>>> - Some unnecessary AccessController.doPrivilidged calls
>>>>> - A reflection call on every request to lookup the constructor of the
>>>>> security context class
>>>>> I have provided a patch to address both of these, by adding a guard
>>>>> around
>>>>> the AccessController calls, and by caching the constructor used for the
>>>>> default security context class. I think it may even be worthwhile taking
>>>>> this one step further, and using generated bytecode to create the class.
>>>>> Normally I would consider this overkill but security context creation
>>>>> happens on every request, so if we are serious about performance we
>>>>> should
>>>>> be trying to make it as cheap as possible.
>>>>> To give you an idea of how much this affects the total cost of the
>>>>> Servlet
>>>>> pipeline:
>>>>> Current WF upstream (without Weld): 134k req/sec
>>>>> After removing the AccessController calls: 158k req/sec
>>>>> Adding constructor caching: 171k req/sec
>>>>> Note that the speedup will not be as big for more realistic workloads,
>>>>> however it will still be significant.
>>>>> Stuart

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