[teiid-commits] [teiid/teiid] cd51ed: TEIID-5434: count(*) returns different nr of rows ...

shawkins shawkins at redhat.com
Thu Aug 9 08:48:20 EDT 2018

  Branch: refs/heads/64-8.12.x
  Home:   https://github.com/teiid/teiid
  Commit: cd51ed0ed56060a13b39356d9de74a5d49921761
  Author: shawkins <shawkins at redhat.com>
  Date:   2018-08-09 (Thu, 09 Aug 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M build/kits/jboss-as7/overlay/docs/teiid/teiid-releasenotes.html
    M engine/src/main/java/org/teiid/query/optimizer/relational/rules/RulePlanSorts.java
    M engine/src/test/java/org/teiid/query/optimizer/TestSortOptimization.java

  Log Message:
  TEIID-5434: count(*) returns different nr of rows compared to normal select (correcting the output columns with the distinct operation is moved)

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      Functionality will be removed from GitHub.com on January 31st, 2019.

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