[teiid-dev] Oracle Spatial Connector

Ken Johnson kejohnso at redhat.com
Mon Aug 10 23:47:05 EDT 2009

Agreed.  May want to consult with John D when he returns though I 
suspect he'd be on board as well.

Steven Hawkins wrote:
> Combining them is a great idea.  Yes, we should leave the function definitions separate for now.  TEIID-231 will hopefully address this shortcoming.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Larry O'Leary" <loleary at redhat.com>
> To: "teiid-dev" <teiid-dev at lists.jboss.org>
> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 2:12:45 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
> Subject: [teiid-dev] Oracle Spatial Connector
> I propose that the Oracle Spatial Connector be dropped and its
> functionality/capabilities be merged with the Oracle Connector.  
> If we were to combine the two, I would recommend that we keep the
> function definitions separate from our built-in/system functions and
> offer the Oracle Spatial function definitions to the end-user so they
> can add them to their Designer and Teiid installation as appropriate.  
> The advantage of combining the two connectors is that currently the
> Spatial connector is inheriting everything from the Oracle connector
> which means that when something changes in the Oracle connector, we may
> need to perform impact analysis and modify test cases to cover the
> Spatial version of the connector.  Also, it does not make much sense to
> me that we have two separate connectors seeing that Oracle Spatial
> functions are provided by Oracle 9i and beyond and do not appear to be
> extra features of Oracle.
> If anyone is in disagreement or can think of reasons why the connectors
> should be left apart, please speak up as this is uncharted territory for
> me.

Ken Johnson
Sr. Product Manager
JBoss Middleware Business Unit
Red Hat, Inc
ken.johnson at redhat.com

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