[teiid-dev] Cdk Plugin - Export Feature added

Sanjay Chaudhuri email2sanjayc at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 16:27:44 EST 2009

Hi Michael,

Okay I verified that I had checked it and is in classpath, so there are no
compilation errors. I do see JUnit fails with a *
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError*. I do not have the sources to figure out why
it's blowing out. Let me know if you have pointers, while I try to find a
reason too.



On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Sanjay Chaudhuri <email2sanjayc at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> Using loopback classes was just a start to get the ball rolling in terms of
> having something. I picked that up to get started on with. It will be
> replaced later with more generic template which Ramesh is working on. I am
> not too technical with Teiid-Cdk connector internals, so will move forward
> with whatever serves the best use-cases from you guys. And then probably we
> need to use the Eclipse/JET templates engines.
> I remember having the same problem with compilation because could not get
> hold off FakeMetadataFactory. Ramesh had sent it to me; I guess I missed
> checking in that; will do it soon.
> Thanks
> Sanjay
>   On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Michael Walker <mwalker at redhat.com>wrote:
>> Cool stuff guys!
>> I just caught up on this thread, downloaded the CDK and gave it a spin. I
>> was able to build the basic project and produce the RAR, neat! This will be
>> a great way to encourage custom connector development, and I intend to use
>> it for future work.
>> I have a few questions and thoughts about it.
>> 1. Using the loopback connector code as the template may have some
>> drawbacks, namely:
>> a. If the API changes, we have to update (or re-copy) the template code
>> (perhaps this is automated already?).
>> b. The developer will have to remove most of the code specific to
>> loopback, since it wouldn't be useful in any other legitimate connector.
>> These changes will, of course, break the loopback-specific tests as well,
>> which will also require effort to fix. This adds up to extra, unnecessary
>> work for the developer.
>> c. It includes lots of coding assumptions that the developer probably
>> wouldn't want initially. For example, the developer is probably going to
>> want all capabilities set to false initially, and will add support for
>> capabilities and functions over time.
>> d. It doesn't use connection pooling, which should arguably be something
>> included in the boilerplate code (via @ConnectionPooling annotation).
>> e. As Ramesh mentioned earlier in the thread, it generates classes called
>> "LoopbackConnection", etc., when the developer really wants
>> "MyCustomConnection", where MyCustom is the name of their project.
>> As an alternative, did we consider using Eclipse's built-in mechanism for
>> building boilerplate classes based on the interfaces of the API, which we
>> could then modify as needed to create a more generic template?
>> This would allow forward-compatibility with any future changes to the API.
>> It would produce a simpler set of classes without all the loopback stuff in
>> there. We could still define a good set of tests based on the API, not
>> specific to loopback and the results it returns. This might add up to a more
>> straightforward developer experience.
>> 2. I wasn't able to run the JUnit tests against the newly-produced
>> connector; does this work for others? It looks like we are missing
>> com.metamatrix.query.unittest.FakeMetadataFactory. Presumably this should be
>> brought in as part of teiid-engine-6.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, but I don't see it
>> there. Did anyone else run into this problem?
>> 3. Will we make the CDK a Maven project? This seems like a standard for
>> all other projects in the Teiid trunk (perhaps an undocumented one).
>> All in all, this is very cool stuff and I'm looking forward to using it,
>> thanks all!
>> --Mike
>> Ramesh Reddy wrote:
>>  Here is the place holder I created.
>> http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/TeiidConnectorDevelopmentEclipsePlugin
>> You can login using the Jboss.org credentials and edit this page. Also,
>> if anybody else edits the page you will get notification if you
>> subscribe to the page.
>> I have no experience with these template engines, but seems both are up
>> to the task. I hoping anybody else with more knowledge will chime in.
>> I agree that with current requirement we may not need to go to extent of
>> using a template engine, where we can just get the job done using simple
>> token replacement on the files
>> Thanks
>> Ramesh..
>> On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 10:59 -0600, Sanjay Chaudhuri wrote:
>> Hi Ramesh,
>> Absolutely. Let me know how to go ahead with the wiki; I mean
>> location, existing templates to look at, etc.
>> I have looked at the eclipse core sources for the templates; it's in
>> line with what I did. The other template frameworks are more elaborate
>> substitutions;conditions, etc, which I do not think will be necessary.
>> You can refer to Eclipse templates here:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-eclipse-pde/ and JET
>> templates here:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-ecl-jet/. Let
>> me know what you think, and possible use-cases incase you want to move
>> forward with either one.
>> There are few things left to be done, which I am planning to take up:
>> 1. Preference Page with installed cdk plugin location or be able to
>> custom it with no plugins.
>> 2. Wizard for output directory which will keep last few directories.
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