[teiid-dev] Cdk Plugin - Export Feature added

Ramesh Reddy rareddy at redhat.com
Tue Dec 1 18:52:22 EST 2009

On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 15:12 -0800, Michael Walker wrote:
> I'm just referring to the "New Class" Wizard in Eclipse, which simply
> takes the interface in the connector API from which to start, and
> builds you skeleton code (screenshot below).  
> I'm guessing there's a way to leverage this programmatically when
> building an Eclipse plugin? 

But the idea here is to give user some basic required code automatically
akin to "hello world". Also, this way we can make them use of some of
the base classes we have written on top of the Connector API.

Using like new class wizard can be done in any standard JAVA project,
since this is extension plugin is a of a JAVA project you can do this
anyways, at-least that is my understanding, right Sanjay?

May be we can provide check box to "generate sources" on the initial
wizard that will either generate from template or provide clean slate
for them to start. What do you think?


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