[teiid-dev] Location for metamatrix-cdk.jar

Sanjay Chaudhuri email2sanjayc at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 13:32:43 EST 2009

Thanks .. this works; no more compilation issues !!! I am all done; will
check in the projects this week after I full review of my codes again.
Primarily there is 1 plugin *org.teiid.cdk.core* responsible for all the
management. I have created 2 wrapper plugins to show support of multiple
versions of cdk distributions. Here versions used are 6.1.0 and 6.2.0, and
are named as: *org.teiid.cdk.connector.v610* and *
org.teiid.cdk.connector.v620*. These plugins does not contain any code
except hosts the cdk-dist as-is and publishes themselves using extension
point. This is an example of the extension used that goes with any of the
cdk-dist wrapper plugins:
*<extension point="org.teiid.cdk.core.connector">
    description="Teiid - CDK [6.1.0]"
       <jar dir="/">
          <jar-file name="teiid-connector-api-6.1.0.jar"/>
          <jar-file name="teiid-connector-sdk-6.2.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar"/>
       <jar dir="lib">
          <jar-file name="teiid-connector-sdk-6.1.0.jar"/>
          <jar-file name="teiid-engine-6.1.0.jar"/>
          <jar-file name="teiid-common-core-6.1.0.jar"/>
All the plugins are self contained and the core plugin has no dependencies
on any cdk/teiid jars now. The code generations and classpath integrations
are all automated in the environment.



On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Ramesh Reddy <rareddy at redhat.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 2009-11-02 at 12:53 -0500, Sanjay Chaudhuri wrote:
> > For the template classes, I am using the loop-back classes for
> > generation, everything is fine from generation and compilation
> > standpoint, except that compilation error pops up on the test classes
> > because I do not have this test.jar included.
> oh! I see, I think you need to take ownership these classes and make
> them as your own copy, that way we will not have any dependencies.
> >
> > By JBoss maven repository, did you mean
> > http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/ ? I did not find the test.jar in
> > the cdk-dist. Let me know if you have the svn path and I shall
> > download from there; else how do you want me to address the issue ?
> Location is correct, as I was saying they are not there currently
> (eventually they will). If you have local copy of Teiid source, then you
> can you the CDK project's test jar for this purpose. If not use the one
> attached for time being.
> Thanks Sanjay.
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