[teiid-dev] Teiid Eclipse Plugin

Ramesh Reddy rareddy at redhat.com
Tue Oct 20 11:55:22 EDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 10:27 -0500, Larry O'Leary wrote:
> Is there anyway we can not have the connector developer's plug-in
> depend
> on teiid-engine?  It seems that such a dependency wouldn't adhere to
> the
> connector-api itself.  In my opinion the only thing a connector should
> be dependent on is the API.  
Absolutely right! "connector-api" project is the only project that
client depends upon. "connector-api" depends upon the "teidd-core"
that's it.

Sanjay was looking at CDK project, that brings the test environment it
depends upon the other projects, if we are not going to use this they
are not needed.

> It would be nice however to offer a unit
> test package base to the connector developer so that their connector
> could be easily integrated with a connector test framework. 
For unit tests I am OK if the user uses the Mock objects to test the
connector. However, we are thinking of providing a way in eclipse
development to deploy and test a connector in Phase 2. This will be same
as deploying a connector to a actual Teiid runime. Currently CDK
provides this, but thinking ahead with JCA project, this needs to be
re-thought if need this kind of environment for testing as Teiid
embedded already provides such environment for somebody to run
"integration" level tests.


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