[teiid-dev] CDK Toolkit Plugin Specifics

Ramesh Reddy rareddy at redhat.com
Sat Oct 24 15:24:40 EDT 2009

That looks good. Great Job! That is exactly what I was looking for. The
properties class needs some tweaking. For more info on this follow and
read "Teiid in JCA Container" thread. I encourage you to read and
participate as this directly affects what you are working on too. I
created "JCA" branch on the Teiid, but I do not have any check-ins yet.
Once I have some commits then you can see clearly what I am talking in
the thread.

Based on changes for 6.3 release, the XML file we need to change that
the format of "ra.xml" and can live in "src/rar/META-INF/ra.xml"
location. I am attaching a sample "ra.xml" file.

You can make a template xml file out of this and let users add more
properties there. Each property on this "ra.xml" file will get a "set"
and "get" methods on the "properties" class. 

Do you think you can come up some kind of properties editor for the
connector, where on some pop-up window, you can specify a "property"
name, type and optional value, and that value is automatically added to
the ra.xml file and add the getters and setters to the properties class?
The important thing is keeping them in sync. I do not know if there is
anything similar you can extend. This is some good non-conflicting work
that can be done by Sumanth while you are doing other stuff. Your call.

Also, for the code to host we can either host on "sourceforge" or
"github" while we are working, once we get this thing to a good stable
stage we will think how we can integrate this into Teiid tools area. On
SF I can give you commiter access as we do not use this repo for Teiid
code. Let me know.

Again great work, and appreciate your work. Let me know if you have



On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 16:26 -0500, Sanjay Chaudhuri wrote:
> Hi Ramesh,
> These are the specifics I am working with to generate the template.
> Please let me know if you want me to change something. On the wizard:
> - Will take input of the project name and the physical project that
> gets created will be connector-projectname. So if HelloWorld is given
> as the project name, the created project name will be
> connector-helloworld
> - Will take input of the package name and the following directory
> structure will be created with existing Loopback classes and resources
> renamed as shown. Assuming com.example.hello is used:
> Project: connector-helloworld
> connector-helloworld\.classpath
> connector-helloworld\.project
> connector-helloworld\pom.xml
> connector-helloworld\src
> connector-helloworld\target
> connector-helloworld\src\assembly
> connector-helloworld\src\main
> connector-helloworld\src\test
> connector-helloworld\src\assembly\bundle.xml
> connector-helloworld\src\main\java
> connector-helloworld\src\main\resources
> connector-helloworld\src\main\java\com
> connector-helloworld\src\main\java\com\example
> connector-helloworld\src\main\java\com\example\hello
> connector-helloworld\src\main\java\com\example\hello
> \HelloWorldCapabilities.java
> connector-helloworld\src\main\java\com\example\hello
> \HelloWorldConnection.java
> connector-helloworld\src\main\java\com\example\hello
> \HelloWorldConnector.java
> connector-helloworld\src\main\java\com\example\hello
> \HelloWorldExecution.java
> connector-helloworld\src\main\java\com\example\hello
> \HelloWorldProperties.java
> connector-helloworld\src\main\resources\connector-helloworld.xml
> connector-helloworld\src\test\java
> connector-helloworld\src\test\resources
> connector-helloworld\src\test\java\com
> connector-helloworld\src\test\java\com\example
> connector-helloworld\src\test\java\com\example\hello
> connector-helloworld\src\test\java\com\example\hello
> \TestHelloWorldAsynch.java
> connector-helloworld\src\test\java\com\example\hello
> \TestHelloWorldExecution.java
> connector-helloworld\src\test\resources\connector-helloworld.xml
> connector-helloworld\target\classes
> connector-helloworld\target\test-classes
> connector-helloworld\target\classes\com
> connector-helloworld\target\classes\com\example
> connector-helloworld\target\classes\com\example\hello
> connector-helloworld\target\test-classes\com
> connector-helloworld\target\test-classes\com\example
> connector-helloworld\target\test-classes\com\example\hello
> These are the 3 project source folders and their corresponding output
> folders:
> src/main/java, target/classes/
> src/main/resources, target/classes/
> src/test/java, target/test-classes/
> Thanks
> Sanjay
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