[undertow-dev] Authentication Mechanism Configuration

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Mon Nov 25 15:51:46 EST 2013

On 11/25/2013 3:26 PM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
> I think the real issue is making extensions 'play nicely' with each other. Basically something like:
> <auth-method>oauth?config=1,SPNEGO:config=2</auth-method>
> Basically there is no way for a single extension to deal with that, as it needs to know about both methods.
> You could do something like:
> <auth-method>com.acme.OauthProvider?config=1,com.acme.SPNEGOProvider:config=2</auth-method>
> But listing the implementation class names is just not as nice. One option would be to allow ServletExtensions to explicitly register an AuthenticationProviderFactory under a given name, and then this name will be used to construct it from the <auth-method> (although then there is the possibility that two extensions will pick the same name, so probably pick use a full qualified name for the auth method, like org.keycloak.oauth).

Could add an annotation(s) to the extension:

public class KeycloakOauth implements ServletExtension {}

Add KeycloakOauth via META-INF/services.  Its only triggered if applied 
in a <auth-method>.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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