[undertow-dev] no error logged when running out of files.

Christoph Sturm me at christophsturm.com
Thu Nov 30 11:20:21 EST 2017

Hello Undertow developers!

Lately my undertow server sometimes just stopped listening on its http port. I found out that the reason was that it ran out of files. The really strange thing about it is that it just stopped listening on the http port without logging any error. 

I have now reproduced it locally by setting the file limit to a low value  (ulimit -H -n 400) before starting the server, and then sending it some traffic with wrk. 

I totally understand that running out of file handles is a big deal and that the server can act strange in that case. but its really suprising to see not a single log entry about that (also not to stdout) 

thanks, regards

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