[undertow-dev] When to use RequireWelcomeFileMapping

Stuart Douglas sdouglas at redhat.com
Wed Aug 14 18:58:46 EDT 2019

On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 02:17, Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:

> Can you give a specific example of a mapping, and what happens with the
>> welcome file that is unexpected?
> Presently, I'm setting require welcome files to true for all mappings
> since it seemed to be required for the CFML servlet to work (which, so far
> as I can tell, is very similar to how JSPs work), but then the
> /flex2gateway/* mapping I mentioned above gets changed to
> /flex2gateway/index.cfm when I hit it which means the default welcome file
> is inserted in, but it shouldn't be for that mapping.
> I just did a quick test commenting out this line that has always run for
> each servlet
> servlet.setRequireWelcomeFileMapping(true);
> and while welcome files to seem to still work at first glance (which is
> good), and the flex2gateway mapping no longer tries to force a welcome file
> (which is also good), my directory listings stopped working in folders that
> don't have a welcome file (which is bad).  That last item is actually sort
> of puzzling.  Why would NOT requiring a welcome file mapping make my
> directory listing URL try and force a welcome file even though it doesn't
> exist?

That is odd, how are you doing the directory listing? Is it just via the
default servlet?

> Thanks!
> ~Brad
> *Developer Advocate*
> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
> On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 9:38 AM Stuart Douglas <sdouglas at redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> Can you give a specific example of a mapping, and what happens with the
>> welcome file that is unexpected?
>> This is basically an internal flag to deal with two things that are
>> treated differently by the spec.
>> On Thu, 15 Aug. 2019, 12:26 am Brad Wood, <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure you're understanding the problem domain.  The web.xml I
>>> provided was just an example, but I'm not creating the web.xml files nor do
>>> I have any control over them.  My users provide their own war to run on my
>>> Undertow-powered server tool and it's my job to parse their web.xml (with
>>> whatever they have in it) and create the proper deployment on-the-fly
>>> without any mind reading.
>>> You seem to be describing an impossible scenario.  If Undertow has
>>> chosen to require a special setting, unique to it and not a part of the
>>> web.xml spec, yet there is no algorithm to externally decide when to use
>>> this setting, how am I to use Undertow to dynamically start wars up without
>>> insider knowledge on their mappings?  How does Wildfly handle this?
>>> Thanks!
>>> ~Brad
>>> *Developer Advocate*
>>> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
>>> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
>>> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
>>> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 9:04 AM Stuart Douglas <sdouglas at redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 14 Aug 2019 at 23:26, Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the reply Stuart.  The javadoc isn't really prescriptive
>>>>> enough however.  I'm parsing a web.xml and adding servlets dynamically.  In
>>>>> that manner, how would I know if a given servlet was going to serve JSPs or
>>>>> was the default servlet?
>>>> This does not have a web.xml equivalent. JSP and default servlets have
>>>> special behaviour as per the spec, but there is no spec defined way of
>>>> having similar behaviour for other servlets.
>>>>> You are unlikely to ever need this unless you have a servlet that
>>>>>> processes or serves resources and want to perform welcome file mappings.
>>>>> Well, yes, that actually applies to me :) I'm using Undertow to start
>>>>> up ColdFusion servers which in addition to usually running JSP if you want,
>>>>> use wildcard mappings and have welcome files.  A ColdFusion server has
>>>>> several mappings in place though.  In addition to the wildcard ones similar
>>>>> to *.cfm or /index.cfm/* it also has mappings for /flex2gateway/* and I'm
>>>>> seeing incorrect behavior where my welcome files are getting crammed into
>>>>> the flex gateway URLs where they don't belong, thus my question.
>>>>> But my code isn't manually creating the mappings.  Like I said above,
>>>>> I'm parsing a web.xml and adding the mappings dynamically, which puts me
>>>>> back to my original question.  I don't think RequireWelcomeFileMapping
>>>>> should be set for all mappings, but I'm unclear on how to tell the
>>>>> difference programmatically.  How do other servlets such as Tomcat handle
>>>>> this when loading my mappings from my web.xml?
>>>>> I'm attaching an example web.xml so you can see what I'm talking
>>>>> about.
>>>> This is an Undertow specific thing, I assume other containers have
>>>> their own internal way of handling it.
>>>> If you really want something like this define a special init param that
>>>> servlets can use in web.xml to enable the behaviour.
>>>> Stuart
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> ~Brad
>>>>> *Developer Advocate*
>>>>> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
>>>>> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
>>>>> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
>>>>> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 12:57 AM Stuart Douglas <sdouglas at redhat.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> This is mostly for JSP, as per the javadoc on the field:
>>>>>> https://jar-download.com/artifacts/io.undertow/undertow-servlet/2.0.24.Final/source-code/io/undertow/servlet/api/ServletInfo.java
>>>>>> Say we have mapped a JSP servlet to /jsp/*, and this directory
>>>>>> contains a file called index.jsp. Even though we have technically mapped to
>>>>>> a servlet we still want to perform a welcome file match to actually serve
>>>>>> /jsp/index.jsp via the welcome file mechanism. It's a similar story for the
>>>>>> default servlet, if there is an index.html it should serve that via a
>>>>>> welcome file.
>>>>>> You are unlikely to ever need this unless you have a servlet that
>>>>>> processes or serves resources and want to perform welcome file mappings.
>>>>>> Stuart
>>>>>> On Thu, 1 Aug 2019 at 07:28, Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I have some questions about when I should be using the following:
>>>>>>> servletInfo.setRequireWelcomeFileMapping(true)
>>>>>>> I can't find any documentation or comments in the code that help me
>>>>>>> answer exactly what that setting does and when to use it.  I'm parsing a
>>>>>>> web.xml file and creating the proper deployment from it, but I'm unsure
>>>>>>> when to set the option above since there is no corresponding attribute or
>>>>>>> tag in a web.xml along those lines.
>>>>>>> I did find this comment in a code sample online
>>>>>>> //if the JSP servlet is mapped to a path that ends in /*
>>>>>>> //we want to perform welcome file matches if the directory is requested
>>>>>>> *(
>>>>>>> https://jar-download.com/artifacts/io.undertow/undertow-jsp/1.0.0.Beta27/source-code/io/undertow/jsp/JspServletBuilder.java
>>>>>>> <https://jar-download.com/artifacts/io.undertow/undertow-jsp/1.0.0.Beta27/source-code/io/undertow/jsp/JspServletBuilder.java>
>>>>>>> )*
>>>>>>> but my app server has more than one servlet mapping with URL filters
>>>>>>> ending with /* and the welcome file list should only apply to one of them
>>>>>>> so it doesn't seem correct that ALL url filters ending in /* should set
>>>>>>> that. I'm unclear on whether the welcome files are attempted up front or
>>>>>>> only if a matching url filter isn't found.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> ~Brad
>>>>>>> *Developer Advocate*
>>>>>>> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
>>>>>>> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
>>>>>>> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
>>>>>>> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
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