[undertow-dev] swagger in undertow

Stuart Douglas sdouglas at redhat.com
Mon Jul 6 23:20:41 EDT 2020

Do you mean Swagger UI? If so it is just a case of serving static
resources, you can use the ResourceHandler to serve it.


On Tue, 7 Jul 2020 at 10:17, David Robinson <drobin1437 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there a way to add Swagger into an undertow based server?  Here is how
> I start my server now - standard stuff:
> ------
> RoutingHandler rh0 = new RoutingHandler()
>         .post("/bb/{cohort}/{topictype}",         new UniversalPostHttpHandler(kep, kvemp))
>         .get("/bb/{cohort}/{topictype}/schema",   new UniversalGetHttpHandler())
>         .get("/admin/healthcheck",                new UniversalHealthCheckHttpHandler())
>         .get("/admin/metrics",                    new UndertowGetMetricHttpHelperHandler())
> Undertow server = Undertow.builder().setIoThreads(undertowIoThreads
> ).addHttpListener(ipPort, ipAddress).setHandler(rh0).build();
> ------
> Ideally, swagger could just be added as another handler of sorts.
> I ran across this post, which is over a year old, which is unanswered:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54685819/swagger-undertow
> Appreciate any advice on how to do this.
> Thanks,
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