[undertow-dev] response-code handler bypasses configured error pages

Brad Wood bdw429s at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 21:55:54 EDT 2020

Forgot to reply to this:

 add a 'continue' param to the response code handler,

I'm not against adding this, however I would be unlikely to use

responseCode( value=404, continue=true )

as I'd want to have a cleaner predicate language.  I'd rather a new handler
be introduced like the custom

send-error-page( 404 )

one I've been testing with that is readable and clear what it does.



*Developer Advocate*
*Ortus Solutions, Corp *

E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 8:51 PM Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:

> Genius idea.  In all my tests I hadn't thought of setting the response
> code in the predicate and then letting it continue to the servlet and
> caching it there.  I just tested this and it does appear to work well.
> I added this outer handler chain wrapper to my deployment info
>         deploymentInfo.addOuterHandlerChainWrapper(next -> new
> HttpHandler() {
>             @Override
>             public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws
> Exception {
>                 if( exchange.getStatusCode() > 399 &&
> exchange.getResponseContentLength() == -1 ) {
>                     ServletRequestContext src =
> exchange.getAttachment(ServletRequestContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY);
> ((HttpServletResponse)src.getServletResponse()).sendError(exchange.getStatusCode());
>                 } else {
>                     next.handleRequest(exchange);
>                 }
>             }
>         });
> (I don't know if the exchange.getResponseContentLength() check is needed
> or the best way to do that)
> And then I registered a custom handler I called *send-error-page* that
> has this handleRequest method:
>     public void handleRequest(final HttpServerExchange exchange) throws
> Exception {
>         exchange.setStatusCode(responseCode);
>         next.handleRequest(exchange);
>     }
> Then this predicate rule
> path(/box.json)->send-error-page(404)
> serves up my servlet's custom error page for that request.
> Thanks!
> ~Brad
> *Developer Advocate*
> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 6:39 PM Stuart Douglas <sdouglas at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Basically I think the only way you can solve this is to attach the error
>> code to the exchange somehow, then have a handler that reads the error code
>> and calls sendError later.Basically write a new response-code handler that
>> sets the code then calls the next handler (so the request gets to Servlet),
>> then add a handler to the Servlet deployment that calls sendError if the
>> exchange status code is > 400.
>> We could actually add this to Undertow very simply, just add a 'continue'
>> param to the response code handler, then always call sendError in servlet
>> if the incoming request response is >400.
>> Can you try this out, and if it works I can look at getting it into
>> Undertow.
>> Stuart
>> On Wed, 8 Jul 2020 at 02:35, Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Stuart, any further suggestions or answers to my outstanding questions?
>>> So far, everything you've suggested doesn't work for various reasons I've
>>> shared here.  I also have a number of outstanding questions such as how I
>>> could access the deployment information for the servlet's error pages from
>>> inside an HTTPHandler running in the initial handler chain that fires in
>>> the XNIO worker.
>>> Thanks!
>>> ~Brad
>>> *Developer Advocate*
>>> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
>>> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
>>> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
>>> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
>>> On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 3:55 PM Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> After a few hours of experimenting, I was able to answer a few of my
>>>> own questions, but not all of them.
>>>>    - Yes, it is possible to contribute a custom handler to the
>>>>    predicate language-- this is actually pretty sweet.  I didn't realize just
>>>>    how generic the parser was.
>>>>    - In order to get "picked up", the builder class must be listed in
>>>>    the
>>>>    *META-INF/services/io.undertow.server.handlers.builder.HandlerBuilder*
>>>>    file
>>>>    - That custom handler suggested by Stuart in the previous message
>>>>    ONLY works if the predicate chain is wrapped "inside" the servlet initial
>>>>    handler. Otherwise, the servletcontext classes are missing.  This
>>>>    unfortunately, makes it a no-go for me to be able to use.
>>>> The rest of my questions still stand however in so far as how I can
>>>> accomplish what I need.
>>>> During my experiments today, I also played with the error-file handler,
>>>> but it also is of no use.  Since the response-code handler ends the
>>>> exchange, any error pages declared in the error file handler are never
>>>> used!
>>>> error-file( response-codes={404},
>>>> file="C:\sandbox\predicatetest\custom404.html" )
>>>> path('/box.json') -> response-code(404)
>>>> I even tried creating a custom handler that sets the status code but
>>>> continues the exchange, but then that just serves the original file anyway,
>>>> which causes the error-file handler to do nothing since the response stream
>>>> is already started.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> ~Brad
>>>> *Developer Advocate*
>>>> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
>>>> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
>>>> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
>>>> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
>>>> On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 12:02 PM Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> You probably need to write a custom one that looks like this (plus the
>>>>>> relevant predicate languge bits):
>>>>> Stuart, if I can branch the conversation here back to your idea of a
>>>>> custom handler for a bit...
>>>>> I'm still toying with this, and while the handleRequest() code you
>>>>> have makes perfect sense, I think I'm missing a lot of context on how you
>>>>> were suggesting this would work.
>>>>>    - The code you put in your message-- were you suggesting that
>>>>>    should be added to the Undertow core as a built in handler or just a custom
>>>>>    class I would put in my project?
>>>>>    - Would this handler require the predicates be processed
>>>>>    downstream of the servlet initial handler in order to work?  Because if so,
>>>>>    that appears to be a no-go since handlers like the rewrite only appear to
>>>>>    work upstream of the servlet
>>>>>    - Is it possible to register custom handlers of my own creation
>>>>>    with the predicate language or were you suggesting a handler that could
>>>>>    only be manually configured?  I'm familiar with the handler builder pattern
>>>>>    that the built in handlers use, but I'm unclear on how builders get
>>>>>    registered with the predicate handler parser.
>>>>>    - Actually, I just reviewed the code again now and I see
>>>>>    the loadHandlerBuilders() method in the PredicatedhandlersParser class
>>>>>    appears to be scanning the classpath for builders.  Interesting....  Does
>>>>>    Undertow need to be loaded by the same class loader that loaded my custom
>>>>>    handlers for this to work?  I'm not super familiar with the ServiceLoader
>>>>>    stuff
>>>>>    - I'm not against building a custom handler that I ship alongside
>>>>>    Undertow that provides what I'm looking for, but I'm still interested in
>>>>>    having the conversation of how we can improve undertow's core offering.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> ~Brad
>>>>> *Developer Advocate*
>>>>> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
>>>>> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
>>>>> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
>>>>> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 7:01 PM Stuart Douglas <sdouglas at redhat.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hmm, this is because the servlet status code is only triggered by a
>>>>>> sendError method, not by just setting the code.
>>>>>> You probably need to write a custom one that looks like this (plus
>>>>>> the relevant predicate languge bits):
>>>>>> public class SendErrorHandler implements HttpHandler {
>>>>>>     private final int code;
>>>>>>     public SendErrorHandler(int code) {
>>>>>>         this.code = code;
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     @Override
>>>>>>     public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws
>>>>>> Exception {
>>>>>>         ServletRequestContext src =
>>>>>> exchange.getAttachment(ServletRequestContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY);
>>>>>> ((HttpServletResponse)src.getServletResponse()).sendError(code);
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Stuart
>>>>>> On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 at 09:40, Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks for the reply Stuart.  I've tried this with no success, but
>>>>>>> perhaps I'm doing it wrong.
>>>>>>> List<PredicatedHandler> ph =
>>>>>>> PredicatedHandlersParser.parse(predicatesLines, _classLoader);
>>>>>>> servletBuilder.addOuterHandlerChainWrapper(next ->
>>>>>>> Handlers.predicates(ph,next));
>>>>>>> When the response-code handler fires, I still get no response body.
>>>>>>> On a related note, when I move the predicates into an outer handler
>>>>>>> chain wrapper, my default response listener also doesn't fire at all.
>>>>>>> On an unrelated train of thought, I've been trying to see if I can
>>>>>>> get the default response listener to automatically dispatch the correct
>>>>>>> error page, but that hasn't been going well either.  If I don't use the
>>>>>>> outer handler chain idea, but try to capture the empty response in a
>>>>>>> default response listener, I can return a static message using the Sender
>>>>>>> class
>>>>>>> Sender sender = exchange.getResponseSender();
>>>>>>> sender.send(errorHTMLString);
>>>>>>> But if I try to run something this in my default response listener
>>>>>>> to invoke my error pages
>>>>>>> ServletRequestContext src =
>>>>>>> exchange.getAttachment(ServletRequestContext.ATTACHMENT_KEY);
>>>>>>> HttpServletResponseImpl response = src.getOriginalResponse();
>>>>>>> response.doErrorDispatch( exchange.getStatusCode(),
>>>>>>> exchange.getReasonPhrase() );
>>>>>>> Then it's as though nothing happens and I still get an empty
>>>>>>> response.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> ~Brad
>>>>>>> *Developer Advocate*
>>>>>>> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
>>>>>>> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
>>>>>>> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
>>>>>>> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 6:17 PM Stuart Douglas <sdouglas at redhat.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The predicate languages are executed before the Servler handlers,
>>>>>>>> so they won't be handled by Servlet error pages.
>>>>>>>> If you are setting this all up programmatically you could use
>>>>>>>> io.undertow.servlet.api.DeploymentInfo#addOuterHandlerChainWrapper to setup
>>>>>>>> the predicate handler after the initial servlet one, which should mean that
>>>>>>>> the servlet error handling will handle the response code.
>>>>>>>> Stuart
>>>>>>>> On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 at 08:25, Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> When I configure an error page similar to this:
>>>>>>>>> servletBuilder.addErrorPage( new ErrorPage( "404.html", 404));
>>>>>>>>> This works great when I hit a path in my browser that doesn't
>>>>>>>>> exist.  The contents of the *404.html* file is served with a
>>>>>>>>> response code of *404*.
>>>>>>>>> However, if I also use the predicate language to define something
>>>>>>>>> like:
>>>>>>>>> path(/box.json)->response-code(404)
>>>>>>>>> and then I hit *localhost/box.json* in my browser, I get a *404*
>>>>>>>>> status code but with no response body.
>>>>>>>>>    - The docs say the response-code handler ends the exchange,
>>>>>>>>>    but should it still respect the error pages?
>>>>>>>>>    - How can I modify my use of Undertow to respect the error
>>>>>>>>>    pages when using the response-code handler?
>>>>>>>>>    - I've seen in the docs the ability to have a
>>>>>>>>>    *addDefaultResponseListener()* but I'm not sure if it is the
>>>>>>>>>    correct solution for this, nor how I would access the error page
>>>>>>>>>    configuration dynamically as to not need to duplicate my work.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>> ~Brad
>>>>>>>>> *Developer Advocate*
>>>>>>>>> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
>>>>>>>>> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
>>>>>>>>> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
>>>>>>>>> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
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>>>>>>>>> undertow-dev at lists.jboss.org
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