[undertow-dev] output buffering

Nate nate at n4te.com
Tue Jun 16 18:19:58 EDT 2020

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 11:18 PM Stuart Douglas <sdouglas at redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Jun 2020, 6:07 am Nate, <nate at n4te.com> wrote:
>> I dispatch to a worker thread, then read from the file using
>> FileInputStream and write to exchange.getOutputStream(). However, I noticed
>> that this writes all the bytes immediately. Digging into why,
>> exchange.getOutputStream() uses UndertowOutputStream which appears to
>> buffer all the data given to it. Not only does this seem inefficient to
>> copy 100MB for every request, it means I don't know when the transfer
>> completes so I can't track concurrent downloads.
> I don't understand exactly what you are doing here, can you share a code
> snippet? The stream will always write everything that is given to it, but
> it won't allocate 100M of buffers. If you have loaded the whole file into
> memory then it is your code that has buffered the full 100M.

I was reading one byte[] from the InputStream and writing it before reading
the next. I've now stepped through UndertowOutputStream and I see it copies
to a ByteBuffer, then writes that. So I apologize -- I misspoke, it doesn't
buffer the whole 100MB. The behavior I am seeing still has me spooked

I have now switched to transferBlocking, like this:
var rateLimit = RateLimit.obtain(ip); // Throws if the IP has too many
concurrent downloads.
try (var input = new FileInputStream(file)) {
input.getChannel(), position, length);
} finally {

My concern is that transferBlocking returns very quickly. For example, I
run curl 3 times simultaneously to download the file at 10 bytes/sec. For
each request, all the code above completes right away, even though the 3
curl instances are still downloading and won't finish for ~150 hours.

The stream approach you mention at the start will do it. Just be aware that
> your systems socket buffer will also come into play here too, initially
> undertow will be able to write a bit without blocking until the buffer
> fills up.

Could the system's socket buffer be responsible for the behavior I see? If
so, maybe it is working correctly and I see the request code complete
quickly because I don't have much load on the server?

It's a little unfortunate to read (and buffer at the system level) the
whole file when the request may be abandoned. In fact, the reason I want to
limit concurrent downloads by IP is that many people in China use
downloader software because of their government firewall. That software
hits my server every few seconds for hundreds or even thousands of times.
It would be nice to avoid doing too much work prematurely, though limiting
concurrent downloads by IP should also solve the problem.

Is there a way I can know when the client has received all the data, even
if it is buffered at the system level?

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