[undertow-dev] Better logging for predicates

Bill O'Neil bill at dartalley.com
Wed Jun 24 07:09:01 EDT 2020

Another option that might be a little more involved but could be more
beneficial is to create a custom attribute containing a StringBuilder or
some form of logging context.

Every predicate would then append a message to the value stored in this
custom attribute instead of individually logging its own messages and would
not need to override toString(). The challenge would be you need a new
handler whose responsibility is to actually log out the message at the end.
This gives a benefit where each request will only have a single request
logging context logged as a single log entry. Otherwise, if you have
concurrent requests running it could be challenging to pick apart the full
context of the request you are interested in since its logs will be
interleaved with many other logs. It would also be nice to make this
functionality have timing and allow all handlers to opt-in.

Jersey handles this logging in a unique way where the trace context is sent
back as an HTTP header for your request and looks like this.

  1 $ curl -i http://localhost:9998/ALL/root/sub-resource-locator/sub-resource-method
-H content-type:application/x-jersey-test --data '-=#[LKR]#=-' -H
X-Jersey-Tracing-Threshold:SUMMARY -H accept:application/x-jersey-test
  3 X-Jersey-Tracing-000: START       [ ---- /  ---- ms |  ---- %]
method=[POST] authScheme=[n/a] accept=[application/x-jersey-test]
accept-encoding=n/a accept-charset=n/a accept-language=n/a
content-type=[application/x-jersey-test] content-length=[11]
  4 X-Jersey-Tracing-001: PRE-MATCH   [ 0.01 /  0.68 ms |  0.01 %]
PreMatchRequest summary: 2 filters
  5 X-Jersey-Tracing-002: MATCH       [ 8.44 /  9.15 ms |  4.59 %]
RequestMatching summary
  6 X-Jersey-Tracing-003: REQ-FILTER  [ 0.01 /  9.20 ms |  0.00 %]
Request summary: 2 filters
  7 X-Jersey-Tracing-004: RI          [86.14 / 95.49 ms | 46.87 %]
ReadFrom summary: 3 interceptors
  8 X-Jersey-Tracing-005: INVOKE      [ 0.04 / 95.70 ms |  0.02 %]
Resource [org.glassfish.jersey.tests.integration.tracing.SubResource
@901a4f3] method=[public
  9 X-Jersey-Tracing-006: RESP-FILTER [ 0.01 / 96.55 ms |  0.00 %]
Response summary: 2 filters
 10 X-Jersey-Tracing-007: WI          [85.95 / 183.69 ms | 46.77 %]
WriteTo summary: 4 interceptors
 11 X-Jersey-Tracing-008: FINISHED    [ ---- / 183.79 ms |  ---- %]
Response status: 200/SUCCESSFUL|OK

There is also a more verbose mode that gives more detail on every filter

See https://docs.huihoo.com/jersey/2.13/monitoring_tracing.html

Jersey has a much more rigid set of interfaces which makes it a little
easier to automatically generate this type of logging. Undertow offers much
more flexibility but that means figuring out how to properly append logs
will be a much more manual process.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 1:11 AM Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply Stuart.  I took some time and dug into this today.  I
> ended up toying with a new logger class called io.undertow.predicate to be
> able to isolate the predicate and handler log messages from the other stuff
> already in the request logger.
> From what I see, this will work.  In order to create useful textual
> representations, I'll need to override toString() in all the subclasses of
>    - predicate
>    - handler
>    - exchangeAttribute
> This is a little tedious, but doable.  The nice thing about using
> toString() is I don't need to add any methods to the interfaces and it has
> a somewhat-useful fallback of just showing the class name of the
> predicate/handler.
> What I've been playing with is adding a single debug message to each
> handler when it fires that describes what action it has taken on the
> request.  And then adding a series of trace messages to the
> PredicatesHandler that shows every predicate that was tested as well as
> other flow control actions like the pseudo "restart" and "done" handlers.
> Additionally, trace messages can be added to specific predicates as
> necessary to show the runtime values used to resolve them.
> Are there any considerations you'd like me to take into account?  For
> example, I see other usages of logging check to see if debug/trace is
> enabled prior to making the logging calls so I assume you'll want to stick
> with that pattern.  My initial work is here in this branch of my fork:
> https://github.com/Ortus-Solutions/undertow/commits/predicate-logging
> Thanks!
> ~Brad
> *Developer Advocate*
> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 11:02 PM Stuart Douglas <sdouglas at redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> This sounds like a good idea to me.
>> Stuart
>> On Wed, 24 Jun 2020 at 05:53, Brad Wood <bdw429s at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I've been using Tuckey Rewrites for a long time and one of my favorite
>>> things about it is the very rich amount of debug and trace logging
>>> information it has.  There's not another rewrite engine out there I've seen
>>> that makes it this easy to debug what's happening.  The trace level logging
>>> gives you a full blow-by-blow of each rule that's processed, what the input
>>> was, and what the result of each condition was.
>>> As much as I love Undertow's predicates and handlers, the logging is,
>>> well, abysmal :)  I'd like to do some work to improve what gets sent to the
>>> request_logger for debugging the predicates and handlers that fire for a
>>> request as part of the PredicatesHandler.  My high-level approach is as
>>> follows:
>>>    - Override the toString() method in each of the built-in predicates
>>>    and handlers to create a basic text representation of them that isn't too
>>>    far from the predicate language.
>>>    - Add logging at key points in the PredicatesHandler that captures
>>>    each predicate as it is evaluated as well as the result of that predicate
>>>    and the next handler to be invoked.
>>>    - I'd probably say a single debug log entry for every matched
>>>    predicate for basic high-level debugging of predicates that had some sort
>>>    of effect on the request.
>>>    - And then a trace log entry with all the juicy details of each
>>>    predicate whether it was matched or not for debugging why predicates aren't
>>>    working correctly
>>> So again, I'm offering to work on this and contribute it to Undertow as
>>> a pull, but I'd like some feedback on my idea and a general sanity check on
>>> whether I'm wasting my time here.  Well, honestly, I'll probably do the
>>> work regardless because the user's of my Undertow-powered tool will need
>>> it, but I'd like to know if these improvements would be welcomed into the
>>> core.
>>> Thanks!
>>> ~Brad
>>> *Developer Advocate*
>>> *Ortus Solutions, Corp *
>>> E-mail: brad at coldbox.org
>>> ColdBox Platform: http://www.coldbox.org
>>> Blog: http://www.codersrevolution.com
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