[webbeans-dev] Web Bean discovery

Pete Muir pmuir at redhat.com
Wed Nov 26 08:14:46 EST 2008

On 26 Nov 2008, at 22:09, Ales Justin wrote:

>> Any idea how portable such an approach will be to other app servers?
> No idea, never looked into details of anything else than ours  
> truly. ;-)

Ok, I'll try to get some idea e.g. for GF.

> So, you're thinking of something like this:
> WebBeansDiscovery wbd = ...;
> ClassFilter cf = new ModifierClassFilter(ABSTRACT);
> Set<Class<?>> abstractClasses = wbd.search(cf)
> In the worst case this would be implemented on top of all classes:
> WBD impl detail:
> public Set<Class<?>> search(ClassFilter cf)
> {
>  Set<Class<?>> result = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
>  for (Class<?> clazz : allClasses)
>  {
>      if (cf.accepts(clazz))
>         result.add(clazz);
>  }
>  // TODO - some cache here
>  return result;
> }
> Where we could already easily prepare this info when we do visitor  
> pattern - performance optimization.
> Or what exactly are you trying to do?

Basically, make the discovery of classes more flexible (visitor  
pattern is perfect for this) but WB cannot depend on any MC api so we  
need to copy the relevant MC API into WB, and then write some  
delegation from WB API -> MC API I guess.

I'm pretty knackered so I'm not thinking straight - this is actually a  
pretty obvious way to do it. I'll ping you on Monday or Tuesday to  

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