[webbeans-dev] Re: Transactional Event Observers

Nicklas Karlsson nickarls at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 11:26:20 EST 2008

Gavin was of the opinion that there should be only one phase allowed.
The multiple calls would be indistinguashable (bleh, sp?) anyway with
respect to phase.

On 11/27/08, David Allen <drallendc at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Gavin,
> Nicklaus raised a good question about transaction observers (7.5.6 in
> the specs):  What exactly is the behavior if more than one of these
> annotations is applied?
> Should we not allow more than one?  (Seems like the right way to go)
> Or do we notify the observer for each applicable phase as requested with
> the annotations?
> Thanks,
> David

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