[weld-dev] Can anyone point me to info on getting a DB Connection in JBoss 6.0?

Steven Boscarine steven.boscarine at childrens.harvard.edu
Sun Nov 29 17:28:39 EST 2009

Hello All,

How do I get a JPA connection in JEE6?  I have never actually used JPA 
without Spring and wanted to learn the recommended way.  Is there a 
tutorial or example, perhaps from JEE5 or Seam, I should follow?  Since 
I learned from a thread yesterday that @PersistenceContext is no longer 
recommended, I thought I'd ask the group.

I am working on a sample application to test the JEE archetypes, so I 
wanted it to use best practices.  The code has a good chance of 
appearing in documentation or the actual archetypes.  I am using JBoss 
6.0.0.M1 as my container. 


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