[weld-dev] Ordering of servlet listeners

Ales Justin ales.justin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 14:00:42 EDT 2010

I'm following the weld-dev, no worries. ;-)
(although, if I don't reply, then JBossAS dev forum is definitely the place to reach me)

I'll have a look on how this ordering is done.
Or Remy might already know this ootb. :-)


On Mar 24, 2010, at 9:50 AM, David Allen wrote:

> Nik,
> You might have to post in the JBoss AS development forum to find the
> answer.  Maybe Ales would know too since he's done a lot of work with
> deployers.
> I have no idea how the ordering is being handled by the meta-data beans.
> - David
> Am Mittwoch, den 24.03.2010, 18:16 +0200 schrieb Nicklas Karlsson:
>> Yep but this is on implementation level, the JBoss - weld integration
>> sticks the WeldListener in all deployments through meta-data
>> manipulation. Previously it just got the list of listeners and added
>> it to the end of the list (i.e. not with a xml file). I tried putting
>> it first but that didn't help so the question is, "is the ordering
>> done at a later stage?" and "how can we get it first in all cases?"
>> and "can we simulate a web-fragment etc so that the ordering is
>> portable?"
>> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 5:33 PM, Dan Allen <dan.j.allen at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>        I've quoted some passages from the Servlet 3.0 spec to
>>        clarify.
>>        As you know:
>>                      Prior to this release of the specification,
>>                listeners were invoked in a random order.
>>                      As of servlet 3.0, the order in which listeners
>>                are invoked is defined in “Assembling
>>                      the descriptor from web.xml, web-fragment.xml
>>                and annotations”
>>        The spec acknowledges that:
>>                                 Since the specification allows the
>>                application configuration resources to be
>>                                 composed of multiple configuration
>>                files (web.xml and web-fragment.xml),
>>                                 discovered and loaded from several
>>                different places in the application, the question
>>                                 of ordering must be addressed.
>>        The web.xml (or web-fragment.xml) must have a <name> element
>>        to participate in ordering.
>>        Since you are dealing with web.xml, you will need to use the
>>        absolute ordering:
>>        1. Absolute ordering: an <absolute-ordering> element in the
>>        web.xml.
>>           a. In this case, ordering preferences that would have been
>>        handled by case 2
>>              below must be ignored.
>>           b. The web.xml MUST be processed before any of the
>>        web-fragments listed in the
>>              absolute-ordering element.
>>           c. Any <name> element direct children of the
>>        <absolute-ordering> MUST be
>>              interpreted as indicating the absolute ordering in which
>>        those named web-
>>              fragments, which may or may not be present, must be
>>        processed.
>>           d. The <absolute-ordering> element may contain zero or one
>>        <others />
>>              element. The required action for this element is
>>        described below. If the
>>              <absolute-ordering> element does not contain an
>>        <others/> element,
>>              any web-fragment not specifically mentioned within
>>        <name /> elements
>>              MUST be ignored. Excluded jars are not scanned for
>>        annotated servlets, filters
>>              or listeners. However, if a servlet, filter or listener
>>        from an excluded jar is listed
>>              in web.xml or a non-excluded web-fragment.xml, then it's
>>        annotations will
>>              apply unless otherwise excluded by metadata-complete.
>>              ServletContextListeners discovered in TLD files of
>>        excluded jars are not
>>              able to configure filters and servlets using the
>>        programmatic APIs. Any
>>              attempt to do so will result in an
>>        IllegalStateException. If a discovered
>>              ServletContainerInitializer is loaded from an excluded
>>        jar, it will be
>>              ignored. Excluded jars are not scanned for classes to be
>>        handled by any
>>              ServletContainerInitializer.
>>           e. Duplicate name exception: if, when traversing the
>>        children of <absolute-
>>              ordering>, multiple children with the same <name>
>>        element are encountered,
>>              only the first such occurrence must be considered.
>>        Hopefully you can parse all that and get further along. I
>>        recommend you checkout the spec for more details, and let us
>>        know your results!
>>        -Dan
>>        On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 3:20 AM, Nicklas Karlsson
>>        <nickarls at gmail.com> wrote:
>>                Hi,
>>                  I'm tinkering with the servlet listener -> CDI event
>>                bridge in the seam-servlet module and noticed that
>>                currently the WeldListener is placed last in
>>                the PostWebMetadataDeployer in weld-int.
>>                I changed this (and verified it with the debugger) but
>>                still my own servlet listener fires first (expecting
>>                the contexts to be up), causing problems. Any theories
>>                as to why this is? How could we guarantee that
>>                the WeldListener is the first one to fire?
>>                ---
>>                Nik
>>                _______________________________________________
>>                weld-dev mailing list
>>                weld-dev at lists.jboss.org
>>                https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/weld-dev
>>        -- 
>>        Dan Allen
>>        Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
>>        Registered Linux User #231597
>>        http://mojavelinux.com
>>        http://mojavelinux.com/seaminaction
>>        http://www.google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen
>> -- 
>> ---
>> Nik
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