[weld-dev] http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/view/Weld/job/Weld-tck-dist-incontainer-jboss-6.0.x/48/console

Martin Gencur mgencur at redhat.com
Fri May 28 03:19:34 EDT 2010

I would like to know what the policy of specifying repositories for
maven is. Do you suppose (according to this document:
http://community.jboss.org/wiki/MavenGettingStarted-Users) that all
users of CDI-TCK will have the
https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/ repository
specified in their settings.xml file? The job from subject of this email
is now failing because the repo isn't specified in settings.xml in
hudson. Isn't it better to specify the repo directly in pom.xml in
cdt-tck runner (or some other pom) so that we would be able to run the
testsuite anywhere? If not, I will send a ticket to helpdesk to change
the settings.xml (I shouldn't do it by myself).

Thanks for clarifying this


On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 15:53 +0100, Pete Muir wrote:
> Ok, it's using my jboss-test-harness snapshot, but it hasn't got the new repos set up - can you fix?

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