[weld-dev] Invalid url Patterns for class org.jboss.weld.tests.scope.RemoteClient

Sreekanth sreekanth.manga at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 05:48:47 EDT 2010


I am running the core tests from the workspace against glassfish.I have
these question related to 2 tests.

In the test, org.jboss.weld.tests.scope.RemoteScopeTest, there is a servlet
by name RemoteClient using the annotation "@WebServlet("*")".

In the test resource.EMFFactoryTest, there are 3 servlets  EMFConsumerTest1,
EMFConsumerTest2, EMFConsumerTest3 which uses the annotation
@WebServlet("emfconsumer") with out a leading "/" .

Are these 2 test cases valid with respect to servlet specification?I guess
these need to be rectified.Please comment.

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