[weld-dev] TCK-style testing for Seam Cron Module

Pete Royle howardmoon at screamingcoder.com
Thu May 19 18:32:35 EDT 2011


The Seam Cron module has many providers and I'd like to test each 
provider by reusing the same test suite (Arquillian), but just having a 
different provider on the classpath . Kind of TCK style I think.

So I would have several provider projects, plus a tck project containing 
all the common test classes. I guess then each provider project would 
depend on the tck (scope: test) so that the tck tests, plus any of its 
own unit tests are all run during that provider's test phase.

My concerns with this so far are:

1. I think I will need a test suite with the test classes in 
src/main/java (rather than src/test/java) so that the provider can get 
those classes onto its own classpath during testing. Will Arquillian 
work OK like that (ie: does it have maven integration which specifically 
looks under src/test/java only)?

2. The classes in the test suite have a hard-coded @Deployment, and I'm 
not sure how I'd go about customising that place a different provider 
class on the classpath. I don't want to have to force my providers to 
extend every test case just to customise the deployment.

3. Am I going about this all wrong?

Cheers for any advice you can give me.

Pete R

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