[weld-dev] JPA injection points validations

Robert Marcano robert at marcanoonline.com
Thu Jan 22 08:35:27 EST 2015

I have noticed that all *InjectionServices javadoc say that those 
implementations should do the required injection point validations. for 
example JpaInjectionServices

"Register a persistence context injection point. The implementation 
validates the injection point ..."

But for some reason if a JpaInjectionServices implementation is 
registered, an internal validation is triggered

"WELD-001517: The type of the resource producer field 
[[BackedAnnotatedField] @PersistenceContext private 
com.example.TestBean.session] does not match the resource type interface 
javax.persistence.EntityManager" See [1]

This field class is an Hibernate session, Wildfly support injecting that 
using @PersistentContext [2], but this validations is blocking me to do 
the same in a mock test environment I am coding. I am not sure how 
Wildfly inject it with Weld or if they skip Weld injecting JPA instances 
because of this. Why this validation is harcoded on Weld, when for 
example EjbInjectionServices doesn't force any predefined validation?

Shouldn't it be removed and leave that validation to the 
JpaInjectionServices implementation as the javadoc say it is its 


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