[weld-dev] Weld and JPMS
Alex Sviridov
ooo_saturn7 at mail.ru
Wed May 9 08:09:56 EDT 2018
Hi Matej,
Thank you for such a detailed answer. If I understand you right Weld in not modular according to JPMS specs.
If so, then are there any plans (opened issues) to make it modular?
Besides, one question is very interesting for me - will Weld create separate container for every JPMS module
or Weld will create one container for all JPMS modules?
Best regards, Alex
>Среда, 9 мая 2018, 14:54 +03:00 от Matej Novotny <manovotn at redhat.com>:
>Hi Alex,
>in short, there is no official documentation on that because Weld runs in "classpath mode".
>JDK 9 and 10 are short-termed releases and will have no special support.
>JDK 11 is something we should be looking at and we are doing that (lately we added support to avoid illegal access there for instance).
>When it comes to JPMS itself, the question is, in what environment are you running?
>If it's EE (e.g. in a server like WildFly), then all magic needs to be worked on server side, pretty much.
>I know WildFly already has some of it, but I am pretty sure at this point most servers won't fully support JPMS.
>If in SE, then Weld itself is not defined as JPMS module and hence will end up in an unnamed module (Weld has no module-info).
>There is no way we can avoid deep reflection on your classes (for instance to be able to intercept non-public methods), therefore you need to make sure your classes
>allow us to do that (or rather to unnamed module where Weld resides ATM). Having done that, it should work.
>----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Alex Sviridov" < ooo_saturn7 at mail.ru >
>> To: "weld-dev" < weld-dev at lists.jboss.org >
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 9:51:38 AM
>> Subject: [weld-dev] Weld and JPMS
>> Hi all
>> Half a year has passed since Java 9 release. Can anyone say if there are any
>> documentation,
>> solutions etc how to work with JPMS in Weld?
>> --
>> Alex Sviridov
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Alex Sviridov
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