[wildfly-dev] Java EE 7 and WildFly

Arun Gupta arun.gupta at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 10:25:25 EDT 2013

>>> This is independent of @DataSourceDefinition. Moreover this is a spec
>>> compliance issue.
>>> Trying to understand what is the issue in adding a default data source ?
>> See
>>  <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:2.0">
>> and the element
>>  <default-bindings>
>> Then point that to your datasource, and it will be exposed in java:comp
>> under the EE 7 name.
> The default configs we ship in 8 Beta do that already, so he shouldn't have to change anything (as required in EE7)
> What is slightly less clear, which is why that previously linked issue is still open is whether persistence.xml should have a preconfigured default as well, since the specs aren't explicit about it. IMO it should because that was clearly the intention, that a deployment will run out of the box without specifying container specific details.

That indeed was the intention.

> So to summarize, we had a loose end, JPA, and the sample found it. We just need to update the configs we ship.

I think that would be very useful as that will provide a lot more
simpler OOTB experience for WildFly developers trying out Java EE 7


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