[wildfly-dev] access to mgmt api/services

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Wed Feb 5 10:23:42 EST 2014

On 1/27/2014 9:48 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> This is for bootstrap purposes for getting a Wildfly instance to join a
>>> Keycloak federation.  I want the Keycloak server to be able to send
>>> realm configuration information to a Wildfly instance (over HTTP(S))
>>> that is joining the federation and have that instance store this
>>> information within a subsystem.  So, it is a one off service that
>>> happens after boot and may even be disabled afterwards.
>> This can't be done using the HTTP management interface?
> After thinking a bit, I guess it could just use the HTTP mgmt intf.
> Thanks for your patience helping me work this out.

Ok, found a reason why just using the HTTP mgmt interface isn't good enough:

Openshift disables admin port :(  You can set up port forwarding to be 
able to access it, but, still kinda sucks for usability, which is what 
I'm trying to optimize.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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