[wildfly-dev] Pending core split

Stuart Douglas stuart.w.douglas at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 08:49:11 EDT 2014

Stan Silvert wrote:
> On 6/30/2014 10:43 PM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
>> It really sounds like this should not be part of core, but should be
>> something extra that just integrates with the core.
> That may be true, but it's not a decision that should depend on how many
> modules must be added.
> The central question is, do we want Keycloak to work out of the box?
> Before this issue was known, everyone answered "yes".
> Should we really determine our feature set based on how many modules it
> requires? I don't think we want do that, which is why I'm having doubts
> about the current approach.

This has nothing to do with 'working out of the box', e.g. Servlet and 
EJB will 'work out of the box', as long as you pick a distribution that 
includes them.

>> In all honesty we are highly unlikely to ever have accepted a PR that
>> added all these dependencies to the core in any case, so it is a
>> problem that would have had to be solved at some point anyway.
>> Stuart
>> Stan Silvert wrote:
>>> I'm starting to have doubts about this split.
>>> Right now I'm trying to integrate the Keycloak (client-side) adapter
>>> into build-core so that the web console can use Keycloak for
>>> authentication. The problem is that there is a huge web of dependencies
>>> that must be moved over from build to build-core.
>>> What exactly is the split trying to solve?
>>> Stan
>>> On 6/27/2014 12:19 PM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> So I am moderately confident that we will be ready to split out Wildfly
>>>> core into a separate repository early next week (I'm not saying that it
>>>> will definitely happen in this time frame, just that it should be
>>>> possible).
>>>> Once this is ready to go I think the basic process will be:
>>>> - Code freeze on Master
>>>> - Create the core repo, push new rewritten core history
>>>> - Release core 1.0.0.Beta1
>>>> - Create PR against core WF repo that deletes everything in core, and
>>>> uses the core 1.0.0.Beta1 release
>>>> - End of code freeze
>>>> Stuart
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