[wildfly-dev] On the WildFly Elytron PasswordFactory API

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Wed Jun 11 10:30:17 EDT 2014

On 06/04/2014 11:07 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> Example: Encrypting a new password
> ----------------------------------
>     PasswordFactory pf = PasswordFactory.getInstance("sha1crypt");
>     // API not yet established but will be similar to this possibly:
>     ???? parameters = new
> ???SHA1CryptPasswordParameterSpec("p4ssw0rd".toCharArray());
>     Password encrypted = pf.generatePassword(parameters);
>     assert encrypted instanceof SHA1CryptPassword;

I have a concrete specification for this example now:

     PasswordFactory pf = PasswordFactory.getInstance("sha-256-crypt");
     // use a 64-byte random salt; most algorithms support flexible sizes
     byte[] salt = new byte[64];
     // iteration count is 4096, can generally be more (or less)
     AlgorithmParameterSpec aps =
             new HashedPasswordAlgorithmSpec(4096, salt);
     char[] chars = "p4ssw0rd".toCharArray();
     PasswordSpec spec = new EncryptablePasswordSpec(chars, aps);
     Password pw = pf.generatePassword(spec);
     assert pw.getAlgorithm().equals("sha-256-crypt");
     assert pw instanceof UnixSHACryptPassword;
     assert pf.verifyPassword(pw, chars);


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