[wildfly-dev] smaller footprints

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Tue Mar 4 12:27:43 EST 2014

It's an interesting question how a particular child server build will be 
able to override a standard config snippet from a depended upon server 
build. I know Stuart was thinking about that a bit. It's been at least 
28 hours so I'm sure he has it sorted. ;)

On 3/4/14, 10:46 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> As long as we don't break deployments which use the container
> dependencies, anything is fine.
> On 03/04/2014 10:28 AM, James R. Perkins wrote:
>> Since the logging subsystem is in the core distro, I'm wondering if the
>> default DUP's to add logging dependencies and search for logging
>> configuration files in deployments should be disabled. There are
>> attributes to disable these now which are should remain enabled in
>> WildFly, but it seems the opposite might be preferable in a core-distro.
>> I've not really thought about how to do that or looked over Stuarts
>> branch with great detail, but just kind of throwing it out there to get
>> opinions on it.
>> On 03/03/2014 10:37 PM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
>>> I have made a start on this split, and I think the solution I am working
>>> on will meet all the use cases, including users that want to cut down an
>>> existing server, and users that want to re-use the jars in their maven
>>> repo using Bill's changes to JBoss Modules. It still needs a bit more
>>> work and a lot of cleanup, however it seems to work:
>>> https://github.com/stuartwdouglas/wildfly/compare/wildfly-build-plugin
>>> So basically the core of it is a maven plugin that builds a Wildfly
>>> distribution, either from scratch or use other distributions as a base.
>>> It also supports building servers that use the new <artifact>
>>> functionality in jboss modules, and cutting down an existing server into
>>> a smaller server with only the specified modules (and their transitive
>>> dependencies).
>>> The way this will work in practice is that each Wildfly sub project will
>>> produce two different server artifacts, one of which is a server without
>>> any jars using artifact references, and a more traditional version with
>>> jars packaged in the module directory. Downstream projects will consume
>>> the smaller version without all the jars, so when a version changes the
>>> download should be less than 5mb rather than larger than 100mb (the
>>> plugin has the ability to turn a server that uses artifact references
>>> into a server that contains the jars in the modules dir).
>>> Basically the upshot is that it should be basically possible to build
>>> whatever configuration of server you want once this is part of our build
>>> process, and we should also be publishing lightweight server artifacts
>>> that use the jars in the maven repo as well as our traditional
>>> 'everything and the kitchen sink' build.
>>> It is anticipated that 3rd party projects build on Wildfly would also
>>> use this plugin (I think at the moment the standard approach has been to
>>> copy and modify our ant scripts).
>>> This is still very much a work in progress, so nothing is set in stone
>>> yet and any comments are welcome.
>>> Stuart
>>> Bill Burke wrote:
>>>> A lot of users want that ability, would you rather have them roll Netty
>>>> + whatever?
>>>> On 2/23/2014 9:10 PM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
>>>>> No, because that means we essentially have to support and test every
>>>>> possible combination that someone might select.
>>>>> Stuart
>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 7:13 AM, Misty Stanley-Jones<misty at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:misty at redhat.com>>  wrote:
>>>>>         I know you guys aren’t there yet, but can we think about wrapping a
>>>>>         GUI around this, so that the developer only needs to tick the boxes
>>>>>         for what he does/doesn’t want, with dependencies sorted out
>>>>>         automatically? Maybe some default profiles that select a group of
>>>>>         things, but the ability to go in and add or remove individual
>>>>>         subsystems as needed? Maybe this could be part of the installer but
>>>>>         could optionally be run post-install as well.
>>>>>         On Feb 22, 2014, at 2:01 AM, Brian Stansberry
>>>>>         <brian.stansberry at redhat.com<mailto:brian.stansberry at redhat.com>>
>>>>>         wrote:
>>>>>          >  When I said "Web" I meant the thing described on that wiki page Tomaz
>>>>>          >  linked:
>>>>>          >
>>>>>          >  "Web
>>>>>          >
>>>>>          >  Undertow subsystem, and all related dependencies, including a small
>>>>>          >  subset of EE and JNDI. This is basically just a Servlet
>>>>>         container, and
>>>>>          >  will provide a platform for people that want to create web based
>>>>>          >  appliances or applications, and don't need all the additional
>>>>>          >  functionality that Wildfly provides. We should end up with
>>>>>         something as
>>>>>          >  lightweight as Tomcat or Jetty, but with all our advanced management
>>>>>          >  functionality."
>>>>>          >
>>>>>          >  On 2/21/14, 9:40 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>>>>          >>  Its also "Web" minus some stuff.  For my project I want just
>>>>>         Servlet,
>>>>>          >>  JAX-RS, JPA, and datasources.   Its very very hard to figure out
>>>>>         how to
>>>>>          >>  remove a subsystem and all its associated modules.
>>>>>          >>
>>>>>          >>  BTW, I think my maven artifact thing got into JBoss Modules. So it
>>>>>          >>  would be possible to load jars on demand, or at least use it as
>>>>>         a way to
>>>>>          >>  figure out which modules aren't being used ;).
>>>>>          >>
>>>>>          >>
>>>>>          >>  On 2/21/2014 10:22 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>>>          >>>  This will move things in the right direction, but not all the
>>>>>         way there
>>>>>          >>>  yet. Note the set of capabilities Bill mention: web, CDI,
>>>>>         JAX-RS, JPA.
>>>>>          >>>  That sounds like our "Web" variant, plus some stuff. It's the
>>>>>         easy "plus
>>>>>          >>>  some stuff" part that needs sorting at some point.
>>>>>          >>>
>>>>>          >>>  On 2/21/14, 9:08 AM, Tomaž Cerar wrote:
>>>>>          >>>>  Bill,
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>  that is exactly idea we have in mind of 9.
>>>>>          >>>>  We already started with producing WildFly core distribution in
>>>>>         that is
>>>>>          >>>>  WildFly with no subsystems, upon which you can build you own
>>>>>         wildfly.
>>>>>          >>>>  It is only 15mb and contains whole mgmt capabilites (CLI,
>>>>>         standalone,
>>>>>          >>>>  domain,...) you can grab it at:
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>         http://download.jboss.org/wildfly/8.0.0.Final/core/wildfly-core-8.0.0.Final.zip
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>  For 9 we have plans to move things bit further and have
>>>>>         decided that we
>>>>>          >>>>  will also do split codebase for core, ee, web, .. and other
>>>>>         distributions.
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>  Current idea on code split up is here
>>>>>          >>>>  https://community.jboss.org/wiki/SplittingUpTheWildflyCodeBase
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>  --
>>>>>          >>>>  tomaz
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>  On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Bill Burke<bburke at redhat.com
>>>>>         <mailto:bburke at redhat.com>
>>>>>          >>>>  <mailto:bburke at redhat.com<mailto:bburke at redhat.com>>>  wrote:
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>       On Resteasy list I have a few people "rolling their own
>>>>>         app server"
>>>>>          >>>>       using Netty, Weld, Resteasy and JPA.  I asked one of them
>>>>>         "I don't
>>>>>          >>>>       understand why you are rolling your own app server" response:
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>       "It's actually a lot more lightweight.  The minimum I can
>>>>>         run the
>>>>>          >>>>       equivalent on AS7 on is ~ 180 mb in binaries, but
>>>>>         throwing this
>>>>>          >>>>       together is about 32 mb (and compresses further when its
>>>>>         packaged).
>>>>>          >>>>       I'm able to start the JVM on the bare minimum (~100mb on
>>>>>         my linux VM)
>>>>>          >>>>       but AS7 with all I need is about 756mb.  When rolling out
>>>>>         in the
>>>>>          >>>>       cloud, where all of my REST APIs are stateless, running
>>>>>         with this
>>>>>          >>>>       configuration helps us get a lot more per node."
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>       I'm not complaining :), just something to think about. It
>>>>>         might be
>>>>>          >>>>       really valuable to focus a bit in Wildfly 9 to make it
>>>>>         easier to create
>>>>>          >>>>       custom profiles or even different packaging options for
>>>>>         the app server
>>>>>          >>>>       instead of the exploded style we currently have.
>>>>>          >>>>       --
>>>>>          >>>>       Bill Burke
>>>>>          >>>>       JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>>>>>          >>>>  http://bill.burkecentral.com
>>>>>          >>>>       _______________________________________________
>>>>>          >>>>       wildfly-dev mailing list
>>>>>          >>>>  wildfly-dev at lists.jboss.org
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>>>>>          >>>>  https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/wildfly-dev
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>>>          >>>>  wildfly-dev mailing list
>>>>>          >>>>  wildfly-dev at lists.jboss.org<mailto:wildfly-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>>>>          >>>>  https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/wildfly-dev
>>>>>          >>>>
>>>>>          >>>
>>>>>          >>>
>>>>>          >>
>>>>>          >
>>>>>          >
>>>>>          >  --
>>>>>          >  Brian Stansberry
>>>>>          >  Senior Principal Software Engineer
>>>>>          >  JBoss by Red Hat
>>>>>          >  _______________________________________________
>>>>>          >  wildfly-dev mailing list
>>>>>          >  wildfly-dev at lists.jboss.org<mailto:wildfly-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>>>>          >  https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/wildfly-dev
>>>>>         Misty Stanley-Jones, RHCE
>>>>>         Manager, Content Services (Middleware)
>>>>>         Direct: + 61 7 3514 8105<tel:%2B%2061%207%203514%208105>  / Mobile:
>>>>>         +61 429 595 932<tel:%2B61%20429%20595%20932>   (TZ: GMT+10)
>>>>>         IRC: misty (Freenode / RH)
>>>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>>>         wildfly-dev mailing list
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Brian Stansberry
Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat

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