[wildfly-dev] Customizing a provisioned server

Stuart Douglas stuart.w.douglas at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 17:15:51 EDT 2014

Thomas Heute wrote:
> I would need to provision Wildfly remotely with something like JON or
> Fabric8 for instance, the CLI would not work for that if I understand
> correctly.

This is more about how to customize a server after it has been 
provisioned. So for example you can have a file that basically says 'I 
want a WF instance with these features, these deployments, and then 
perform these mgmt ops to configure it'


> REST-ish API would work better I think (I guess option 3 covers that),
> Fabric8 preference would likely be option 1 though (note that in this
> usecase the end-user doesn't really touch the XML files, he's using a tool)
> BTW: I completely missed the discussion about provisioning tool until
> this email so please forgive my ignorance. If there is a document or
> email thread that would help me catch up I would love to have a look.
> Thomas
> On 09/04/2014 06:16 AM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Work on the provisioning tool is now well underway, so I would like to
>> revisit something I mentioned in my original email, which is allowing
>> the provisioning tool to customize a provisioned server.
>> I think there are a few options here, some more palatable than others.
>> In no particular order:
>> 1) Customize the XML directly
>> Using this approach we would just directly customize the XML
>> configuration files. This would basically require the use of XSLT
>> (yuck), or require us to basically invent our own version of XSLT (even
>> more yuck). Even though this approach will work, and will be fairly easy
>> to implement, I think it would really suck from an end-user point of
>> view, and I think we should discount it.
>> 2) Allow the user to provide CLI commands to customise the server
>> This is by far my favorite approach. The provisioning file would just
>> contain a list of CLI commands, and would execute them in order. I think
>> this is by far the most intuitive, and the CLI is well documented.
>> 3) Allow the user to provide DMR operations to customize the server
>> Similar to 2, but allow the user to provide DMR or JSON operations to
>> customize the server. I think this is not nearly as nice as 2, as users
>> are much more likely to be familiar with the CLI rather than DMR.
>> I think 2 is by far the best approach, however it does open up the
>> question of how and when to execute the operations. I think the easiest
>> way to do this would be to just start the server in admin only mode on a
>> custom port (so it will not interfere with any existing running Wildfly
>> instances), and just execute the CLI commands in admin only mode.
>> Does this all sound reasonable?
>> Stuart
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